Argentina: Outstanding Tourist Attractions on Social Media in 2014

Wenceslao Bottaro presents us with the most outstanding tourist attractions on social media from the interior of the country, according to the II Edition of the Ranking of Tourist Attractions and Social Networks in Argentina 2014. He also explains that this ranking is important because:

[…] sirve cómo radiografía del trabajo que los destinos provinciales realizan en las redes sociales. Siguiendo la evolución de su performance en las redes sociales, nos damos cuenta de cuáles son los destinos que trabajan e invierten en Internet, en la generación de contenidos genuinos, en estrategias de promoción y difusión, cuáles son los que están más atentos a las tendencias actuales y, sobre todo, cuáles son los que dejan pasar la oportunidad de posicionarse y ganarse un lugar en el deseo de los potenciales viajeros.

[…] can be used as an in-depth analysis of the work that provincial destinations carry out on social networks. Following the evolution of its performance on social networks, we realize which are the destinations that work through and invest in the Internet, in generating genuine content, in promoting and spreading the word, which ones are more aware of the current trends and, above all, which ones don't leave their positioning to chance and instead attract the attention of potential travelers themselves.

Chart from the blog Blucansendel, used with permission

According to the ranking, the province of Misiones, where the Iguazú Falls are located, ranks top of the list on Facebook with over 730,000 fans and an inter-annual growth of over 600,000 new fans. Then come the provinces of Salta with 359,702 fans, Tucumán (267,636), Córdoba (227,091) and Mendoza (226,354). The situation is different on Twitter, where the province of Tucumán is top of the list with 29,200 followers. This was the only place that had more than 20,000 followers, along with Córdoba with 18,900 followers, Salta (16,800) and Mendoza (14,900).

You can also see the first edition of the ranking, from the year 2013.

You can follow Wencesleao on Twitter.

This post was part of the 32nd #LunesDeBlogsGV (Monday of blogs on GV) on December 8, 2014.

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