The three Most Important Posts on #RedViajAR This Week


On this post [es] of Argentinian blogger network Red Viajar [es], Laura Schneider presents the featured posts of the week. Among the recommended ones, there is one about La Salada, Argentina most important fair:

La Salada es una feria inmensa, una de las más grandes de América Latina, que queda en Gran Buenos Aires, al lado del Riachuelo. En sus comienzos fue formada por inmigrantes bolivianos que se asentaron en esos terrenos y hoy en día es un polo comercial que moviliza alrededor de 9 millones de dólares por semana y que le da trabajo a muchísima gente.

La Salada [The Salty] is a huge fair, one of the biggest in Latin America, located in Gran Buenos Aires, close to Riachuelo. Right from the start, it was set up by Bolivian migrants, who settled in those lands  and today is a commercial site that manages about 9 million dollars per week and provides a job for many people.

Definitely, these are recommendations to consider.

This post was part of the fifth #LunesDeBlogsGV [Monday of blogs on GV] on June 2, 2014.

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