Reconsidering Educational Tasks

School teacher Marcela Gómez writes [es] on her blog Las notas de clase de Marcela Gómez [Classnotes by Marcela Gómez] about the challenge of motivating her students to learn more and reconsidering educational tasks:

Ahora, se ha entendido que la educación depende tanto de la persona que llega a motivar y acompañar el proceso de aprendizaje, como de quien está siendo acompañado y recibe todas estas ideas como novedades. Es decir, la verdadera educación se construye en un equipo, de manera colaborativa y multidireccional, y no sólo emitiendo mensajes y calificaciones parciales.

Now, it's understood that education relies upon those who motivate and are guides through the learning process as well as on those who are guided and get these ideas as new ideas. I mean, the real education is a team task, collaborative and multidirectional, and doesn't just send out messages and partial gradings.

The post reviewed here was part of the fourth #LunesDeBlogsGV [Monday of blogs on GV] on May 26, 2014.

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