Syria: Bloggers Infuriated by Israeli Massacre in Palestine

Let’s be crystal clear. Israel’s massive attacks on Gaza today have one overarching goal: conflict management. How to end rocket attacks on Israel from a besieged and starving Gaza without ending the impetus for those attacks, 41 years of increasingly oppressive Israeli Occupation without a hint that a sovereign and viable Palestinian state will ever emerge.

Indeed, the Occupation, in which Israel controls Gaza under a violent siege which violates fundamental human rights and international law, is not even mentioned in Israel’s PR campaign. Speaking to the international community, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni insists that no country would tolerate its citizens being attacked, a seemingly reasonable statement were it not for Israeli sanctions on Gaza supported by the US and Europe – sanctions that preceded the rocket fire on Israel – or the fact of Israeli Occupation in general…

The responsibility for the suffering both in Israel and Gaza rests squarely with successive Israeli governments, Labor, Likud and Kadima alike. Had there been a genuine political process (remember, the closure of Gaza began in 1989), Israelis and Palestinians could have been living together in peace and prosperity already for 20 years. After all, already in 1988 the PLO accepted the two-state solution in which a Palestinian state would arise on only 22% of historic Palestine, alongside the state of Israel on the other 78%. A truly generous offer.


Following Yazan‘s coverage of the Syrian blogosphere in English, I will be covering those in Arabic.

Yaman, blogging from the US, sums up the Arab feelings towards the ongoing massacre in Gaza:

دور النظام الصهيوني في حصار غزة ومجزرة شعبها لا يلفت النظر مثل الدور العربي.

The role of the Zionist regime in the siege on Gaza and in the massacre of its people does not attract attention as the Arab role does.

Free Man, a blogger who rarely blogs has posted three posts so far. He shares with us his thoughts on the Gaza massacre:

أقل ما يقال عنها أنها مجزرة بشعة. أكثر من 155 شهيداً و200 جريح في غزة التي مازالت تطعن فوق جراحها ولما تخر صريعة بعد!القوادين أمثال نمر حماد، الذي حمل حماس مسؤولة الهجوم البربري الإسرائيلي
على غزة. لا مجال للفكر هنا ولامجال لأي توازن واتزان أمام هذه المشاهد الدامية. هل كانت إسرائيل بحاجة لذرائع عندما احتلت فلسطين وقتلت وهجرت أهلها وارتكتبت المجازر بحق سكانها الآمنين في بيوتهم وأرضهم؟ هل كانت احتلت إسرائيل شبراً واحداً من الأرض لولا أمثاله وأمثال حسني مبارك وأزلامه الذي شارك في قتل وتجويع وحصار الغزيين.

The least you can say is it a horrific massacre. More than 155 martyrs and 200 injured [now 318 martyrs and 1400 injured] in Gaza which is still being stabbed whilst wounded and haven't died yet![…] those pimps, Nimr Hamed, who blamed Hamas for the Israeli barbaric attack on Gaza. There is no room for intellect here, there is no possibility for balance when you see such bloody images.
Did Israel need excuses when it occupied Palestine, killed and displaced them as refugees and now committing massacres against the peaceful people in their homes and land? Would Israel occupied one inch of the land if it weren't for those like Husni Mubarak and his men who participated in killing and starving and blockading the Gazans?

Mr. Blond from Syria comments on the mechanism of the western mainstream media:

لو أن صهيونياً جرح بشظايا صاروخ انطلق من قطاع غزة .. لقامت الدنيا وما قعدت، ولحشدت اسرائيل كل قواهالو أن صهيوني العسكرية وجميع أجهزتها الإعلامية، ولطالبت العالم كله أن يقف معها في مواجهة هذا الإرهاب الفلسطيني .. ولكن أن تقتل هي العشرات والمئات من سكان هذا القطاع المحاصر المحروم من الإنسانية خلال يوم واحد .. فهذا لن يواجه إلا بالصمت والتخاذل والحقد وفي أحسن الأحوال التعاطف الساذج !!!

If a Zionist was wounded by missile shrapnel launched from the Gaza Strip .. the world would be outraged and Israel would have gathered its military and media strength, and would have demanded the whole world to side with it in the face of Palestinian terrorism .. But for Israel to kill dozens and hundreds of people from this sector besieged, deprived of humanity in one day .. This will only be faced with silence and inaction and hatred at best naive sympathy!!!

Yaser Orwani, also blogging from Syria, informs us with a campaign launched for Gaza:

تحت عنوان ” كلنا غزة ” تطلق مجموعة من المبرمجين والمصممين والصحفيين والمراسلين موقعا الكترونيا عاجلاً تضامنا مع الاهل الصامد في قطاع غزه في ظل المجازر الصهيونيه الكبيره التي ترتكب وما زالت مستمره حتى اللحظه

لزيارة الموقع :

Under the title “We are all Gaza,” a group of programmers, designers, journalists and correspondents have launched a website in solidarity with the steadfast families in the Gaza Strip in light of the huge Zionist massacres committed which is still continuing up to this moment.
To visit the site:

Yaser also have compiled a video which he dedicated to those who were killed by Israel in Gaza:

Many Syrian bloggers feel depressed and paralyzed over what's happening in Gaza now. Most of the Syrian blog-posts reflect this feeling. Some of the bloggers narrate how they feel, some of them blogged their silence as we will see later on in this coverage.

Syriangavroche in Spain shares with us an incident he had with his Gazan friend whose friend in Gaza had just lost his two brothers in the recent Israeli war on Gaza. He also shares with us his feeling of helplessness towards what can be done to help the innocent people in Gaza from being killed:

تلقّيت في ساعات المساء الأولى اتصالاً من صديق غزّاوي يخبرني فيه باستشهاد شقيقَي صديق غزّاوي آخر كانا يعملان في شرطة غزّة, و أن الجميع سيذهب لتقديم واجب العزاء و دعمه بما نستطيع, فواعدته فوراً و توجّهنا إلى منزل هذا الصديق. عندما وصلنا وجدت بعض الزملاء الذين كانوا قد سبقونا, و لم أجد صديقنا فقد كان قد دخل الحمّام ليغسل وجهه, و عندما خرج رآنا فقدم نحونا و كنت أول من تلقاه بالأحضانعانقني بشدة و انفجر باكياً مرة أخرى بشكل جمّد كل قدراتي على النطق, و لم أعد أدري ماذا أقول, فلزمت الصمت ثوانِ طويلة قاربت الدقيقة حتى وصول نقطة شعرت فيها أن عليّ أن أقول شيئاً.. لكنني لم أجد ما أقول إلا كلمة lo sientoبالاسبانية, التي تقال في المآتم و تعني حرفياً بأنني أشعر بما تشعر به و لكنها تعني أيضاً آسف“.لا أعلم إن كنت أريد بهذه الكلمة المعنى الأول أم الثاني, أم كلاهما..لا أدري إن كان سبب اعتذاري هو عجزي عن تقديم شيء ما عدا الكلام.. لا أدري إن كان شعوري بالذنب عائد إلى أنني جبان يخاف أزيز الذبابة بينما يتحمّل أطفال فلسطين هدير كسر جدار الصوت..نعم.. أشعر بالذنب, و نعم.. غالباً أنا مذنب..

In the early evening I received a call from a Gazan friend telling me that two brothers of his friend from Gaza were martyred, they were working in a police station there. He told me that everyone will go to pay our condolences and support his friend in what we can. I set a date immediately and we went to the house of his friend.
When we arrived there there were some colleagues who had preceded us, and I did not find our friend who apparently had entered the bathroom to wash his face. When he showed up he approached us and I was the first to take him in the arms.[…]
He held me tight, and once again strongly burst into tears that it frozen my ability to speak, and I no longer knew what to say, I stayed silent for a minute till I felt I should say something .. I did not find anything to say but the word “lo siento” in Spanish, which is used in funerals, and it literally means that I feel what you feel, but it also means “sorry”.
I do not know if I meant the first meaning of the word, or the second, or even both ..
I do not know if the reason behind my apology is my incapability to provide anything but speech .. I do not know if my feelings of guilt is due to my cowardliness fear of a fly while Palestinian children bear the roar of the sound barrier breaking ..
Yes .. I feel guilty, and yes .. I am often guilty ..

Ayman Haykal, blogging from the US, decided that nothing can be said on the blow of horrific bloody images we see in Gaza now, he decided to be silent:

أمام رهبة الموت وبشاعة الظلم ووحشية العدو وتواطؤ الأخ والشعور الجارف باليأس …لا أملك إلا أن أصمت.

Before the terror of death and the horror of injustice and brutality of the enemy and the complicity of the brother and the feeling of hopelessness…
I can not but be silenced.

Some bloggers blogged ways with which they think they can help the Gazas, Ola from Syria has more:

حملة تبرعات في الجامعات أو المدارس أو العمل أو أي مكان لأنه أهلنا في غزة يحاتجون إلى الدواء والغذاء خصوصاً أنهم تحت وطأة الحصار

اذا كنت تجيد الانجليزية انشر ايميلات لغير العرب لتعريفهم بالأحداث الحقيقة لأن إعلامهم لاينقل لهم الحقيقة

استمر على المقاطعة ولاتقل أنها لاتؤثر وتذكر الأزمة المالية وكيف ستؤثر المقاطعة

الدعاء ثم الدعاء

انشر في المنتديات المشترك بها في موقعك أو مدونتك

ممكن تنشر صور المجازر بالانجليزي وتعملها فيديو وتنزلها على اليوتيوب

1 – Fund-raising in universities or schools or at work or anywhere (because our people in Gaza are in need for medicine and food especially that they're under siege).
2 – If you're good in English e-mail non-Arabs to familiarize them with the truth, because their mainstream media doesn't reflect truth on the ground.
3 – Continue the boycotting strategy, and don't think it is not influential.[…].
4 – pray and pray.
5 – Publish infos in forums you're in and on your site or blog.
6 – publish pictures of the massacres and subtitle them in English or make compile them as videos and upload them on Youtube.

Finally, there were strong resentment in the Syrian blogsphere towards the Arab regimes, and towards the Egyptian regime in particular.

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