Hong Kong: Olympic Torch Relay, the Virtual and the Real

The real Olympic torch relay in Hong Kong has been criticized as a political decision as most of the non-athletic torch bearers were from the pro-China political clan. In the street, the Beijing supporters also out-numbered the protesters for human rights. However, in the virtual torch relay organized by local bloggers, the viewpoints are much more diverse.

The virtual torch relay, blogtorch08, was organized by More than one on April 8, dukedom of Aberdeen wrote:


If we are to have torch bearers, we shouldn’t invite the junky athletes, we should look for ordinary people or the minorities, not to create a spotlight for the politicians and the rich and powerful celebrities.

This is what I think, you can have your own opinion. I still feel that one world is better to have many diverse dreams.

Up till now, there are more than 70 blog posts. Many of them criticized the arrangement of real torch relay. Ngsezhin pointed out that:

主辦大國以一幫錦衣衛護著那可憐的小火點到處跑。與其說是傳聖火,倒不如說是示威罷?其實這也是有跡可尋。傳聖火的起源不是古代奧運會,而是 1936 年柏林奧運會中希特拉用以宣傳納粹德國的公關手段

The organizing country has a team of torch guards to protect the tiny flame. It is not holy torch relay, but a demonstration. Actually we have historical traces. The Olympic torch relay is not originated from ancient Greek Olympic, but in 1936 by Hitler in the Berlin Olympics. It was used as a public relation strategy by the Nazi.

Nikita also pointed out that the Beijing Olympics has been politicized since the very first day:


When the Communist Chinese government applied for hosting the Olympics, it promised they would improve the human right condition. The vice chair of Beijing Olympic Committee Liu Jin-min said: “If Beijing hosts the Olympics, it would help the development of human rights in China.” (Source ). The mixture of politics and sport has been debuted from the Chinese government…

Stannum from Sidney talked about the history of Olympic torch relay protest in Australia to explain that there is nothing “Holy” about the torch. Tintin also pointed out that the Chinese translation has missed interpreted “Olympic flame” into “Olympic sacred flame”. Ah Tong followed the discussion and wondered who was the idiot to state the rules that “the Olympic sacred fire shall never be put out, not even for one second”? Singsit referred to ancient Greek mythology and pointed out that the sacred fire is originated from Prometheus’ action against the Gods, stealing fire from heaven:


If Prometheus had not challenge God’s power and conducted the civil disobedient act according to his faith, do we still have fire for us to uphold today? I hate those people who are repressing the most precious human rights and freedom while insisting that “the sacred flame cannot be offended.”

Richey disagreed with the connection of Olympics and human rights issue and wanted to voice out his discontent towards the people who are using the Olympic as an excuse to force-feed something that is totally irrelevant to the Olympic game.

Daihung made fun of the Olympic torch relay protest and said that Torchsnatching has turned into an official competition in 2008 Beijing Olympics. He even made a poster for this event:

Edmund Hui on the other hand tried to figure out how to create an inextinguishable Olympic torch. Harry Potter’s magic is one of his suggestions.

Infilmity noticed that the official name of the 08 torch relay is called “harmonious trip” and he foresaw that news and information regarding the Olympics would be “harmonized”. Technologypark complained about the harmonized measure (deleting photos with pro-Tibet protesters) in mainland China BBS forum and exclaimed that “Let’s all die in Harmony”.

Rosery joined the “Human Right in Tibet” demonstration in London and she was happy that the torch would not past through Taiwan this time.

Heart of Kafka tried to explain the Chinese logic in the Torch relay protect campaign:

中國很辛苦的掙了個資格。現在錢我交了﹐場地我建了﹐你才和我玩杯葛? 還要搶火熄火? 西藏問題這麼多年你不出聲﹐現在就比CCTV更CCTV的說中國的不是?

不過也好﹐西方傳媒與那些連西藏也不知道在哪的示威份子達成了一個中國共產黨也不能做到的目標 – 團結海外華人的”愛國”心。

It is very hard for China to get the entry to the Olympics, now I have paid and built the stadiums and you called for boycott? And you wanted to grab and extinguish my fire? The Tibet issue is always there, now you criticize China with a media worse than CCTV?

Well, western media and those protesters who don’t even know where Tibet is have help the CCP to achieve a goal – united overseas Chinese.

Shadow Cabinet pointed out that the fate of China is still caught in the victim imagination during the war time. It is unreasonable that a strong country would feel threaten by a non-existing country – Tibet.

Back to the real Olympic torch relay in Hong Kong today, Tsang Hin Chi (a pro-China businessman) and Leung Chun-ying (an Executive Council member) are two most controversial figures. Point South supported both for them because their existence is a proof on the political character of the Beijing Olympics.

Chonghead has a summary of today protest action with photos and video clips:

10:35am: Protest Banner action at Tsimshatsiu: One protest banner “Human right repression” was confiscated while another one on “Release Hu Jia” was hanged out at Chungking Mansion during the relay.

10:45am: Human rights and free Tibet protesters were surrounded and attacked by pro-China cheering team.

13:00pm: Students’ protest placards were confiscated by police.

16:00pm: A protester was surrounded by cover-up polices who confiscated his protest placards and threatened to arrest him.

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