Jordan: Snowmen, Women and Babes

The contest is heating up among Jordanian bloggers who are vying for the top place in making a snowman, erm, woman – prompting one blogger to call a truce. With the Internet slowing down across the Middle East, it was only natural for Jordan's bloggers to pour their creative juices elsewhere.

And since pictures speak volumes, I will leave you with with just that in this post.

Our first stop is with Naseem Al Tarawnah, whose friend Tina kept herself busy giving us a step-by-step guide on how to make a snowbabe. And what is a snowbabe on her own? She built a snowman to keep her company – just for good measure. Here's a snapshot of the happy couple:

Tololy from Jordan was also busy building her own snowbabe. She explains:

Why waste my time and risk catching pneumonia making a huge, beer-belly snowman?
I made the smallest, cutest snow babe instead

And here's her snowbabe and it is up to you to judge:

An American in Jordan joins the fray, with his Snowman in Repose sculpture. Here's one of the many images he has loaded showing his masterpiece:

Janmania gets her comeback with a sculpture of Snow White, who is pictured here:

And last but not least, Jad decides that the best snowman he has seen so far is this one:

Despite the frenzy and obvious fun, 7aki Fadi calls for a truce. He even begs:

For whatever is holy to you pleaaaaaaaaaaase STOP with THE SNOW POSTS.
Seriously, stop, it all looks the same, all the pictures.
EVEN the snow men look the same.

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