A Week Goes by in Kuwait

Do you doodle ? Well Nibaq over at Savior Machine not only doodles, but he leaves his doodle machine in the bathroom and everyone in household doodles on it. This is the end result of the community doodling.

Intlxpatr one of the many expat bloggers in Kuwait shares with us his views on his trip to Doha, which he sums up in two sentences:

Departing Kuwait was chaos

Arrival in Doha was smooth

Are you a third Culture kid ? Amer Over at Hilaliya is one and he explains what a third culture kid is and his story is as follows:

Third Culture Kids are global citizens: creative, independent, cosmopolitan, multilingual, tolerant, higher than average I.Q., we can live anywhere but we never really belong anywhere.

Aggy looks at the 18th Gulf Cup ( soccer tournament held every two years, open to teams from around the Gulf) and gives us what he thinks of the Kuwaiti team's performance there and why they failed .

However, when I followed the matches in the 18th AGCC Cup, I was disgusted with Kuwait's results. More dangerously, I was NOT surprised.

Meanwhile, Kthekuwaiti pulls no punches in his exposé on the practice of the telecommunication companies about Internet connection cards.

Here we go again..

Wataniya took their data sim card; stuck it into a router (Option’s GlobeSurfer 3G HSDPA router), called it ‘new Wnet’ and introduced it as a a new service. Then they started charging 12kd extra a month.

Speaking of business practice and shenanigans, who didn't pull some kind of shenanigans in high school? Tat shares one of his shenanigans stories in high school.

The principal explains that somone killed the fish in the tank and he would give us all detention for the rest of the year if he doesn't find out who did it.

Ever felt that there is prejudice against people of a certain marital status ?
H over at Readmyblog feels that there is and he coined a new term for that.

I invented a word. And it’s maritalism.

No3ik takes us on a pictorial tour of what she did in the Hussainia( congregation hall for Shia ritual ceremonies ) in a pictorial tour which could double as a cooking guide.

This is the family's husaineya, so its only women and girls, that's why some tasks are more like great achievments.

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