Is Breastfeeding in Public indecent?

Is breastfeeding in public “indecent”? That's the question raised [es] by Alejandra on Verde Alegría, after she was forced to breastafeed in private and realized she was not the only one:

To me, breastfeeding was -and still is- something absolutely normal and I thought everybody shared that idea. Nevertheless, I've recently seen on news portals many mothers telling that they have been discriminated for breastfeeding their children in public, and they even have left some of those places for being called almost as obscene for simply feeding their babies.

She explains this position as one double standard from society, due to some false moral and ignorance. And she claims:

No mother wants to show her breasts just because. I've never met a mother who intentionally wants to exhibit herself to other people “for her to be seen”. Of course, we are all prudish. But the thing is breastfeeding isn't an act that goes against the sense of shame. If there is someone who considers this has some kind of stimulating feature, or that it is somehow “dirty” or shameless. it's not the mother's problem, it's theirs, the person who has a completely distorted vision of sexuality.

The post reviewed here was part of the first #LunesDeBlogsGV [Monday of blogs at GV] on May 5, 2014.

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