Saudi Arabia: Genie in Court

“I was under the influence of a genie” is the latest excuse for administrative corruption in Saudi Arabia. According to the Saudi newspaper Okaz [Ar], a judge in Al Madina was accused of corruption, taking bribes and taking over real estate. His defense was: “It was not me, I was under the influence of a genie!” It is therefore no a surprise, when Saudi netizens decided to have fun with the story. Soon enough, the hashtag #jinni -which refers to genie in Arabic- started trending on our Twitter timelines. Here are some of the reactions.

Ahmad Bagadoodexplains why he crossed the traffic light:

والله يا عسكري مو أنا إللي قطعت الإشارة. هذا جني! #jinni
I swear officer, it was not me who crossed the traffic light, it was a genie!

Fouad Hassan calls for the genie:

الجني الذي دخل القاضي ماعنده حساب في تويتر نريده في حاله مستعجله ؟ #jinni من يعرف الطريق اليه يقول لنا بسرعه
Does the genie have a Twitter account? He is needed in an urgent case!

Khalid or @Mashi9a7 made a few remarks on this:

للإشتراك في دورة تدريببة من 5 أيام:: مهارات اختيار الجني الكفؤ، المقاعد محدوده #Jinni
Five day workshop: “How to Pick a Genie Efficiently” subscribe now, limited number of seats
#jinni مطلوب للعمل: جني لإدارة استثمارات شركة خاصة
Needed: a genie to work for a private investment company

Wajd announces a new movie:

#jinni ثمرة أول تعاون جني-سعودي الفيلم السينمائي~ ليلة القبض على جني المدينة-تصنيف الفيلم:خيال\أطفال\كوميديا
First Saudi/Genie cinema production: “The Night the Medina Genie was Arrested” – Genre: Family / Fantasy / Comedy

As a follow up, Okaz published a story [Ar] about a religious man named Fayez Al-Gothami who has made the genie “talk” to him in a setting attended by some members of the religious police. According to Al-Gothaimi, the court's judge Fahad Al-Muhaimeed, asked him to prepare a letter explaining all the details of the interrogation and the corruption scams the “genie” had confessed to.

Yaser Alrefai justifies the genie's confessions:

عاجل: الجني المتهم يقول للراقي الذي استنطقه بأن هدفه الاساسي ليس المال بل هو لتسليط الضوء على أحوال الجن المحزنة بالسعودية #jinni
Breaking news: the genie tells the man who talked to him that his main goal was not the money, but to shed the light on how the genie's community is treated in the kingdom

Shaker AlSufyani thinks of taking advantage of the situation:

أنا جالس أفكر أسوي شركة مساهمة لإستقدام الجن وذلك لخدمة البلد في السرقة والإساد اسميها اختصارًا فسادجنكو :P #jinni
I am thinking of starting a business for hiring genies to benefit the country in corruption. I'll call the business “Genierruption”


Essam Al-Zamel remarks on Jeddah's crises:

اطلاق سراح جميع متهمي كارثة جدة بعد ثبوت تلبس الجن فيهم وقت توليهم للمناصب #Jinni
The release of all people involved in Jeddah's crises, because they were under the spell of genies during the time they took up their positions

wasazib would like to improve his work situation:

يا جماعة أبغى أزبط مديري الجديد….أحد يعرف جني فاضي من هنا و لا من هنا؟ #jinni

Guys I'd like to improve my working relation with my new manager, do you know any available genie?

Feras Aalam asks to take a serious position on this regard:

#Jinni لابد من وقفة حازمة لمنع الجن من العبث بأمن الوطن
We must take a firm stand to prevent genies from corrupting the security of the country

Bader (Abu Jehad) talks about the release of a new book:

قريبا في جرير حوار مع جني فاسد #Jinni
Soon in bookstores: Dialog with a Corrupted Genie

Okaz [Ar] then published a story saying that the religious police denied witnessing the “genie's hearing session.”

MsSDigitaL writes:

إذا هيئة الأمر نفت استنطاقها للجني إذا من قام بإستجواب الجني والتحقيق معه.. شكلهم ودو الجني الأن وراء الشمس #jinni
If the religious police denied hearing the genie, then who did? I believe the genie was made to disappear!

Finally, Manal Fahmy comments:

Good Saudis are celebrating #halloween this year in their special way #Jinni

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