Venezuela: Rapper Defies New Ban Against Violent Images

OneChot profile picture

Days after Venezuelan President Chavez declared a month long ban on media's use of violent images,Venezuelan rapper OneChot is using social media to distribute his video criticizing the violence in Venezuela, triggering an investigation surrounding the video's release.

OneChot's video Rotten Town, directed by Hernan Jabes, is spreading through the web through online networks such as Facebook as well as twitter. Most of the comments support the artist and prompt others to watch the video, stating that it is a great form of national production, however some twitter users had something else to add to the mix:

As for the investigation process established against OneChot, Camilo Maldonado in twitter had something to say about it:

En este país nadie ve los videoclips de las bandas, a excepción de unos pocos. Abrirle una investigación a Rotten Town es tan estéril.

In this country no one sees band videos, except for a few people. Opening an investigation about Rotten Town is so sterile.

Tere de Souza criticized the choice of language, since the song is in English:

me gusta el video de rotten town! lo que me ladilla es que sea en ingles la letra… que maña tan estupida la del Vzolano… todo en ingles

I love the Rotten Town video! What annoys me is that the lyrics are in English… what a stupid habit of Venezuelans… everything in English.

Antonio Jordana wrote about the video's less than cheerful effects:

En reunión. En el break vimos el video de la canción Rotten Town. Ahora están todos depre.

In a meeting. During the break we saw the video for Rotten Town's song. Now everyone is depressed.

Here is a short excerpt of the lyrics :

Let me introduce you to Caracas, embassy of hell, land of murderers and shattas
Undred people die every week, we nuh live in war, country is full of freaks
We have more death than pakistan, Libano, Kosovo , Vietnam and Afganistan
We have planty mafia, we have planty Don, and we have some crazys killars with the fast machine guns [sic]

On the night of the video release, Juan David Chacón (OneChot) and director Hernán Jabes spoke about the video and how it is meant to spur reflection as a manifest to stop violence once and for all.

According to Jabes:

El video tiene un mensaje muy fuerte que nos compete. El concepto radica en la responsabilidad que tenemos todos, no sólo el Gobierno, sino también de cómo educamos, cómo somos como amigos, como seres humanos (…) El video apoya la letra de Onechot… es un grito de protesta

The video has a very strong message that concerns us. The concept lies in the responsibility we all have, not only the Government, but also in how we get educated, how we are as friends, how we are as humans (…) The video supports Onechot's lyrics… it is a scream of protest.

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