Brunei: “I'm sorry” video now a youtube sensation

The youtube video of a young man named Zek from Brunei pleading forgiveness to his girlfriend became a popular trending topic on social networks last August 18. The video generated over 41,000 hits in a span of three days.  Facebook, Twitter and the video on youtube were buzzing with comments with many netizens sympathizing with the young man. But there were also web commenters who loathe the whole video episode.

Below is the popular youtube video

My7thlife explains the popularity of the video.

This video of apology to his girlfriend was made by a local named Haziq (famously known as Zekzek) and has made a very big buzz on Twitter and Facebook. When I watched this the first time, way before it went past the 1 minute mark, I had to share it with my friend and watch it together because I, for one, can’t stand to watch it on my own.

I had to pause in between minutes too because it was so hard for me to laugh and watch at the same time. Zekzek, surprisingly, is taking it all in very well. He’s accepted friend requests from strangers on Facebook, and these new friends of his poke fun at his “bravery”, yet he’s still cool about it.

Reportedly, he uploaded this video on YouTube a month ago, but became an overnight sensation just last night! He deleted the video, but someone re-uploaded the video, and I’m thinking that he just gave up and is willing to let it pass. Although I think it’ll take Brunei a few months to get over this.

I think what made people find this absolutely hilarious is the fact that he calls himself “hubby”, and dubs his girlfriend (ex?) as “Princess of The Earth”.

Cartoon by CKTB

CKTB drew a cartoon based on a popular line in the video: ‘Nda Cali Wah’  means ‘Not funny!’ RanoAdidas thinks the video made internet history in Brunei

…#Zek the new sensation in the making. He is definitely the new Justin Beiber of Brunei and no one from Brunei at this moment can surpass the popularity of Zek in the Internet.

His message to Zek

I had a mixed reaction as I want to salute you at a certain point but also cracked up because of the delivery. As for the entertainment factor, I have to give an A+ and the number of views speak for itself. But you are on hell of a brave man to face all these attentions (good and bad) and yes, you are in Brunei where people just yadda, yadda, yadda.. Remember, buddy, there's always a price for fame and it's how you handle it and plus, it's a learning process. You can't just simply please everyone.

RanoAdidas also interviewed Zek to find out the story behind the video:

RA: So how long has the video be uploaded on the net?
Zek: This video was actually uploaded last month but it was set for private use. But someone managed to get hold of the video and posted it in the last 2 days.
RA: Have you been receiving lots of messages from ladies?
Zek: No, but many sent messages through my inbox and felt sorry for me

RA: How do you cope with the negative comments?
Zek: The negative comments? I'm pretty cool about it. Maybe some of them were rude but I don't care. It's not like I'm the one who spread the video. I'm more of a victim

RA: So what is it like be in the spotlight?
Zek: Haha.. It feels like a dream. I just don't know what to say..

RA: So which is your favourite tag-line in the video?
Zek: My favorite has to be “The Princess of the Earth”

Funnyman and popular blogger Kurapak also discusses the phenomenon of the video in his post – The Prince of the Earth. Meanwhile, Brunei Lifestyle described the video as the best reality show in Brunei

“A tribute to Zek – My apology” has Bruneians talk and discuss endlessly on the video. My whole family, from mom to mom’s youngest grand-child gathered around the small notebook as if we were waiting for an official announcement on the result of the sighting of the moon, and watched the video. I think this is the best reality show from Brunei. I have never seen a guy’s sincere face in making an apology.

TigerLim, who claims to be the ‘No. 1 Broken-English Blogger’, re-edited the video to shorten it to 6 minutes and added an English  translation since many of the lines are delivered in Bahasa Melayu(Malay). The video can be viewed here.

T-shirt design by Tiger Lim

Soulekoneksen wants to get hold of Zek and be his PR Manager :

“How do I get hold of #Zek? I’ll be his manager and make him into a Star! #Brunei He needs good PR! LOL!”

On Twitter, my response on whether others see merit for a single man to address himself as hubby to a girl he is courting:

snrpablo: What is with unmarried guys calling themselves HUBBY… NIKAH DULU OIIIII!!!#FAIL

Within a few  hours, it was retweeted by more than a dozen local twitterers. @Emmagoodegg tweeted how the usage of ‘hubby’ creates a social dilemma

@Anniekins36 Gawd that's true Anniekins, even when I have to shorten Beloved Husband to , ‘Hubby’ on Twitter I cringe just a lil’ bit! Haha

@esteillha What gets my goat most is kids referring to themselves as “Hubby” when not married. Is this a trend? Am I too old and not cool??

I asked the same questions on Facebook and interestingly the following response came from an educator who is concerned about the current trend of unmarried guys addressing themselves as ‘Hubby':

Irene: I am so 200% with you on this one!!! My students (some of them) call each other hubby and wifey!!! Kan terjeluak  mendengar!!!!It's a challenge for me as I have to deal with these young adults, as they want us to call them (??!!??),… everyday but so quite immature at the moment, na'udzubillah, I have kids growing up as well but the level of maturity that I get to teach every year just keeps on becoming very very low!!! A very vast difference with the ones I used to teach in the late 90s and early 2000. I think these youngsters need to be re-educated once more! Kalah2 ketani yg andang expose dari damit ani tah pulang. hehehe

Some guys from the Nasi Katok Productions made a response video, The ZEK. They wrote

dedicated to Zek Zek Kaachinggzz, from NKP. we are always gonna support you bro. Kaachinggzz all the way!

Within another hour, another song video dedicated to Zek appeared on Facebook.   Isyrah Fikri Osman made the song video tribute.

Zek's popular video is being compared to the video of  Achai, – a young soldier who dedicated a song to his girlfriend, Aku Bana bana kan kau!! ( I'm serious about you). Without a doubt, Zek is now the newest internet overnight sensation in Brunei.

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