Poland: Put a smile on a child's face – it's easy!

Tomek (24) and Weronika (18) have always been keen volunteers. Despite their young age, they have been helping in hospices, working with the disabled and running various charity events. Tomek has also been writing a blog, which gives comprehensive information on how, where and who to help if you feel like volunteering.

Last year these two young people got together and started Dream Mail, a charity campaign, which promotes writing letters and postcards to seriously ill children. The idea is very simple – the children’s pictures and history of illness are posted on the website along with their contact details. All you have to do is to grab a pen and write a few words to them. It may seem like a small, insignificant thing to do, but for children, who are often stuck at home 24/7, a postcard can be a highlight of the day. Knowing that there are kind-hearted people out there puts a smile on a child’s face and lets them forget about the pain and suffering, even if just for a few minutes.

The website allows for the comments to be left on the children’s profiles and many of the comments come from the children themselves or their parents and other family members, thanking for cards, letters and even parcels arriving from as far as Asia or Australia.

Natalia, who is 11 years old and suffers from cystic fibrosis, says on her profile:

I am tired so it’s time to go to bed but if I can I will visit the website tomorrow as well. I will send out my smiles and as always will pray in the evening to thank God for all of you… Goodnight my Dream friends

In a newspaper article, Natalia’s mum says:

Dream Mail has changed our daughter. She’s received many nice letters, gifts, pictures and she’s made many new friends. All this made her happier and she’s more patient when it comes to her treatment.

The campaign has been a great success so far and has involved not only individuals but also educational institutions, with over two hundreds schools and kindergartens currently taking part. Some children received as many as 400 letters and postcards. That accounts for thousands of smiles and proves that it’s the little things that matter in life.

You can visit Dream Mail on www.marzycielskapoczta.pl or join the campaign on Facebook.

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