Colombia: The Extraordinary UNASUR Meeting in Bariloche

On Friday, August 28, 2009, an extraordinary meeting of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) was held in Bariloche, Argentina, primarily to discuss the use of 7 Colombian military bases by United States military personnel. The issue had prompted criticism from Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia, and raised concerns in the other South American countries.

Fearing he would be cornered by his colleagues, Colombian President Álvaro Uribe managed for the meeting to be broadcast live on television. People from all over South America followed the event, and Colombians were not an exception. Those working in offices without television sets, but with internet access could watch the summit through several websites streaming the meeting, which lasted more than 6 hours (it was scheduled for 3).

Colombian twitterers followed and commented on the event, using the hashtag #unasur, as did their counterparts from other countries. As the event was going on, Uribe defended the military deal with the US while the other presidents debated it, the local twittosphere expressed their views, took positions, and made jokes as if they were watching a football match.

El Chiflamicas @elchiflamicas:

temas para #unasur el regreso de nubeluz. grántico, palmani, zum!

#unasur topics: the Nubeluz [a popular 1990s Peruvian children's show] comeback: “grántico, palmani, zum!”

Jorge Ruiz @chandaxi:

¡MUY MADRE URIBE! Declare la guerra ya hdp y si es el caso vamos hasta por ese pedregal mal llamado malvinas, las falklands son Colombianas!

URIBE, YOU'RE TOO KIND WITH'EM! Declare war right now, you SOB and if that's the case we go to that scree bad-named Malvinas, the Falkland Islands are Colombian!

Miguel Olaya @juglardelzipa:

«imperio terrorista». ¡uribe y la revolución de las categorías políticas!

“terrorist empire.” Uribe and the revolution of political categories!

El Político @yosoyelpolitico:

Colombia es mi patria libre, democratica, soberana y pasional – yo tambien los soy y Unasur quiere privarnos y privarme de eso.

Colombia is my free, democratic, sovereign, and passionate motherland – I am too, and Unasur wants to deprive us and deprive me of that.

Andrea @ludovia:

me enferma Uribe, me enferma Chávez, me enferma Correa y están en el mismo salón!!! arrrg #unasur #masoquismo

Uribe makes me sick, [Hugo] Chávez makes me sick, [Rafael] Correa makes me sick and they are at the same room!!! arrrg #unasur #masochism

Dustin Martínez @DuXtin:

Cuando dijeron que iba a hablar el presidente de Perú, por un momento imaginé que iba a ver a Fujimori.

When they said the President of Peru was going to speak, I imagined for a moment that I was going to see Fujimori.

Manolo Paez @ManoloPaez:

Hoy soy colombiano y peruano! Suramericano no!

Today I'm Colombian and Peruvian! Not South American!

Juan David Escobar @ElReticente:

En RCN, en el “banner” dicen en Ultima hora: “Colombia no aceptara verificación de #Unasur”. Los benditos traductores del sentir

On [pro-Uribe television network] RCN, at the [lower thirds] it says Breaking News: “Colombia will not accept #Unasur verification”. Holy translators of the national opinion.

Daniel Villegas @Villegasrest:

Chavez, Correa y Ortega son el diablo, cada uno tiene 6 letras en el apellido, son el “666”. #Unasur

Chavez, Correa, and [Nicaraguan president Daniel] Ortega are the devil, each one has 6 letters in their last names, they're “666”. #Unasur

Manuel Gomez @manuelj:

Correa esta diciendo cosas muy interesantes, lastima que el colombiano promedio va a ignorar todo lo que diga por el odio que le tiene.

Correa is saying very interesting things, it's a shame that the average Colombian will ignore everything he says because of their hatred toward him

Lanark @donAlvar:

jajaja “yo respondo por mi periodo de gobierno” pues por eso, huevón, para siempre #unasur

hahaha “I answer for my term in office”, of course, you sucker, that means forever #unasur

Miguel Olaya @juglardelzipa:

«los nazis usaban brazalete. lafar usa brazalente. entonces lafar son nazis», dijo uribe en #unasur.

“nazis wore armbands. lafar [the way Uribe uses to refer to “FARC”] wear armbands. therefore lafar are nazis,” Uribe said at #unasur.

Carlos Correa Cano @kloscorrea:

¿Y será que con tanto tratado EEUU- Colombia a los colombianos nos van a empezar a tratar con dignidad en los aeropuertos gringos?

So with so many US-Colombia treaties will we Colombians start to be treated with dignity at American airports?


¿cúal es la herramienta de medición de cultivos ilícitos que existe ahora en Colombia pero no en el 2002?…. pues Google maps!!! #unasur

Which was the measuring tool for illegal crops now in use in Colombia but not in 2002? Google maps!!! #unasur

Andrea @ludovia:

no entiendo, no hay intervencionismo bueno ni malo pero ¿chávez no se puede meter y estados unidos sí? ¿me perdí? #unasur

i don't get it, there's no good or bad interventionism but Chávez can't mess [with us] and the US can? what did I miss?

Die Goth @DieGoth74:

#freemediave Documento secreto de #Chavez contra #Uribe en #Unasur fue robado en operación comando de temibles cuarteles de Wikipedia

#freemediave Secret document brought by #Chavez against #Uribe at #Unasur was stolen during a commando operation at the fearful Wikipedia headquarters

AsmodeoCastigado @Asmodeo_:

ESte pisco es un chiste total: RT @aabenedetti: El Presidente Uribe como siempre muy bien en UNASUR

This guy is a complete joke: RT @aabenedetti (Armando Benedetti, a pro-Uribe senator): President Uribe, as always, great at UNASUR

Túrin @Turint:

Lula da clases de completa sensatez, me dan ganas de ser brasilero… bueno, tambien cuando juega la seleccion

Lula gives very sensible lessons, I'd love to be Brazilian… well, when their national [football] team plays too

Sebastián Restrepo @SebasRestrepo:

Hubieran puesto a leer a Bachelet, eso lo lee en 20 segundos.

If they'd had Bachelet reading [the final statement], she can read it in 20 seconds.


A qué horas se abren las líneas para que votemos en #unasur ????

When will the lines be open so we can vote at #unasur????

Carlos Santamaría B. @Flakster:

#UNASUR fue TOCONUR (TOdos CONtra URibe), pero ni así pudieron….. Ja ja

#UNASUR was TOCONUR (“Everyone against Uribe”), but even that way, they couldn't even….. Ha ha

Pablou @p4bl1t0:

hoy mas de uno aprendio que Surinam es un pais de suramerica xD #Unasur

today a lot of us learned that Suriname is a South American country xD #Unasur

Lina Artunduaga @LinaArtunduaga:

Que partida de nerdos somos, trinando 7 horas de una cumbre aburridísima!

We're such a bunch of nerds, tweeting for 7 hours about a really boring summit!

When Bolivian President Evo Morales spoke at the meeting, several twitterers wrote racist comments, ridiculing his accent, the way he was talking or the fact he is an indigenous. @lncognito compiles [es] some of these tweets.

On the blogosphere, president Uribe's former press secretary Ricardo Galán tries to summarize the meeting [es]:

Journalist Jaime Restrepo agrees [es] with Galán that it was a victory for Uribe and a defeat for Chávez. He also complains about the uselessness of the UNASUR:

[S]i las decisiones de Unasur no son vinculantes, una de las quejas que presentó Alan García, los documentos pueden decir muchas cosas que, después de los encuentros, se convierten en letra muerta. Es más: mientras Chávez sea dictador, las decisiones de Unasur no serán vinculantes, pues al sátrapa no le interesa que el mundo conozca la verdadera naturaleza criminal de su régimen.

If UNASUR's decisions are non-binding, one of the complaints issued by Alan García, the documents may state many things that, after the meetings, become dead letter. Even more: as long as Chávez is a dictator, decisions by Unasur will not be binding, because the satrap is not interested for the world to know the true criminal nature of his regime.

Finally, Marsares declares [es] Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as the “winner” of the summit, and recognizes the Colombian diplomacy's “success” at neutering a “Chavista trap”, but claims that Uribe is still an obstacle for South American integration:

Es claro que la intervención de Lula los aterrizó, al punto que vieron lo que no habían querido ver antes. Que decisiones tomadas al calor de las emociones no sólo perjudican a los vecinos, sino también al propio país, pues Sudamérica es una red de vasos comunicantes, donde todos dependemos de todos. Así que la tarea a seguir, según lo predicado por Lula, es recomponer las maltrechas relaciones si es que se quiere, en un futuro que UNASUR sea una realidad y no un club en el que prime el diálogo de sordos.

It is clear that Lula's participation at the meeting forced them down, to the point they saw what they could not see before. Decisions made during the heat of emotions not only harm their neighbours, but also their own countries, because South America is a network of communicating vessels, where everyone depends on everyone. So the job to do, according to what Lula said, is to fix the battered relationships if they wish to, in a future when UNASUR becomes a reality and not a club where the dialog of the deaf prevails.

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