Kuwait: Is Graffiti Art or Vandalism?

It is a recurring question: Is graffiti art or vandalism? This question was recently the centre of debate in the Kuwaiti blogosphere.

Mark, who blogs at 248am.com, posted a video from YouTube, kicked off the controversy when he wrote:

A group in Kuwait called BLD have started posting videos of their graffiti escapades. So far they’ve posted only one video titled “Kuwait Graffiti #1″ and there is a second video on the way soon. I personally prefer more colorful graffiti which hopefully their second video will contain.

The post attracted 56 comments so far, ranging from those who thought that engaging in graffiti was better than “harassing girls” at malls to those who expressed outrage and suggested getting the police involved.

Stafa commented:

Cool seeing kids engaging themselves in activities (even if it’s minor vandalizing). It’s better than hanging out with the wrong people in malls, chasing and harassing girls

b shares an inspiring story about how this art form was utilised in a school by a quick thinking principal to discourage students from smoking:

that’s nothing last year i was in al 3dwany high school in audailiah and a bunch of student’s had this talent going on real good, so the principal of the school asked them to do a no smoking pics and words on the school wall inside near the Cafeteria cuz all the students smoke there

Kuwaiti was outraged:

… Unfortunately… I’m so upset from my I see… is that what you guys learned from the Private schools… !!
I’m in the mid of 30’s .. and I don’t recall that we done such thing before.. it’s a waste of Money

3azeez suggests getting the police involved:

Kuwait is small and everyone knows everyone else. This kind of graffiti is ruining many places in Kuwait and one of them is where I live. Therefore, I highly encourage anyone who knows these kids to download
the video and report them to the police.

He further adds:

Any illegal act should be reported. Whether they own the building, or its to be demolished or not is a matter to be investigated later on. Yes people like that do vandalize my neighborhood and I dont appreciate
seeing this kind of tasteless stuff where I live. If you disagree with me then bohoo… its illegal so its not a matter to be discussed.

Now that Kuwaiti bloggers and their readers have had their say, what do you think?

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