Egypt: Gaza In the Headlines

Here are the latest headlines from the Egyptian blogosphere decrying the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. An Israeli blockade has plunged Gaza in darkness, sparking international calls and anger on the Arab street to stop the carnage.

Since words are lost and bloggers from around the region have already had their say, I will be brief and bring you headlines from Egypt's Arabic blogosphere.

Watany, writes an article entitled: “Fasting until they end the Gaza siege.”

صائم حتى يرفع الحصار عن غزة

Lesani moltofy, talks about a girl who sent her an email from Gaza and writes:
“Wait for us will until we die.”

إنتظرونا حتى نموت

And Mowaten mat-hoon asks -after posting horrible pictures of the massacres: “Where are the national movements, after the death of the official one.”

اين التحرك الشعبي بعدما مات التحرك الرسمي

Meanwhile, Zeinobia writes in her blog post “To light a candle for Gaza”: “Shame on Egypt that the borders are still closed. No. Shame not on Egypt, but on the Egyptian President.”

و عيب على مصر ان تكون الحدود مغلقة
هو العيب مش على مصر و لكن على حاكم مصر

While Bent Masrya in her post, entitled Take me with you to Gaza, is lost for words but posts a few links stating her opinion.

إلى غزة خذوني معكم

Ana Ikhwan writes an article entitled: “The darkness of murderers and no excuse for anyone.”

ظلام القتلة…ولا عذر لأحد

And Morakeb Masry makes his point with the headline “Gaza burns in the darkness..You Infidels.”

غزة تحترق في جنح الظلام يا كفرة

Last but not least, Erham Demaghak writes, in a very short but to the point post: “Eight o'clock in El Shifa Hospital, the emergency generators will be switched on, to delay the death of those in intensive care for a few more hours ..”

الساعة الثامنة ستعمل المولدات البديلة في مستشفى الشفاء، لتؤخر موت من هم بالعناية المركزة لساعات أخرى..

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