Environment: A sampling of Voices from South Africa

This time on this short edition, we will take a quick trip to South Africa where there is a vibrant blogosphere, to hear from three bloggers. One reminding us about Blog Action Day for the environment, another on bringing up eco-friendly children and another blogger shares their opinion of environmental consultants in South Africa.

The blog noodle was here from South Africa posts a reminder that on October 15th,

…bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind – the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. The aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future. Go on, do your bit!

In an entry in the blog My digital life Fermit says that ‘ Environmental Consultants are Selling Out South Africa’.

The practise of environmental impact assessment’s used to mean something. It used to only be partaken by those with a love for the natural environment and a background in nature conservation, in other words people who sole purpose was to make sure our environments were never degraded or compromised.

In recent years however this trade has turned into a multi-million Rand industry where qualifications, credentials and ethics are as scarce as Dodo’s. Just about anybody looking for a change in career path has cottoned on to becoming an environmental consultant many of whom do not even know the name of one single flower or plant of South Africa, yet they are happily processing EIA applications for developers and charging fortunes for it.

Urban Sprout shares thoughts on ‘rearing tomorrows eco-friendly children’, saying

I fervently believe that it’s the little things we do, in the way we bring up our children that will affect the bigger picture – whether there is a planet to leave our children tomorrow.

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