Cracker attacks the Colombian blogosphere

Lully, from Reflexiones al Desnudo, a renowned Colombian blog which has been featured in BlogsColombia as “best blog,” had her blog hijacked and sabotaged this past weekend and it has now disappeared.

Where you could previously read well written memoirs and stories with an erotic tint, a message appeared stating that the blog was closed due to its pornographic content which could affect small children browsing the internet.

The badly spelled note also went on to threaten any other blogs found defending leftist terrorism and opposing Jaime Ruiz, a writer for País Bizarro (Bizarre Country). Similar notes have been left behind other on destroyed blogs. These attacks are signed Jaime Ruiz and link to his website, a right wing blog that discusses Colombian events and politics.

Some authors from equinoXio, an online magazine which Lully co-founded and where she writes a column, have reacted. Sentido Común (Common Sense) writes: 

Las bitácoras Reflexiones al desnudo, Rock & Alcohol y Hack al desnudo tienen al menos dos cosas en común: que todas usan en su nombre palabras de aquellas que algunos filtros de contenido censuran automáticamente, y que los tres blogs, alojados todos en,  han sido saboteados por un anónimo, como corresponde, cuyo coeficiente intelectual a duras penas le alcanza para algo tan elemental, como es destruir…

The blogs “Reflections in the nude”, “Rock & Alcohol” and “Hacker in the nude” all share at least two things in common: they all use in their names words which some content filters immediately censor, and all three blogs, hosted in, have been sabotaged by an unknown, as usual, whose IQ is barely high enough to do something as basic as destroying…

The author also takes care to clarify:

“Hoy, las primeras reacciones de los cibernautas frente al suceso en comento hacen evidente el uso inapropiado del término “hacker”, pues nos encontramos ante un caso claro de vandalismo, rayando en terrorismo virtual. El nombre correcto para este tipo de delincuente es “craker”.

Today the first reactions from cybernauts regarding the aforementioned  event make evident the missuse of the term “hacker”, since we are clearly facing an act of vandalism, bordering online terrorism. The correct name for this type of delinquent is “cracker”.

Also at equinoXioMarsares posts:

Ahora, llama la atención que se busca culpar burdamente del ataque a un adversario de equinoXio con quien tenemos divergencias ideológicas. Se trata de Jaime Ruiz, a quien el subhumano coloca firmando el manifiesto moralista que justifica su acción. Por fortuna, su calumnia no ha hecho carrera y los bloggers,equinoXio entre ellos, rechazamos este torpe señalamiento.

Now, it is worth our attention that it seems to be of interest to clumsily blame one of equinoXio´s adversaries with whom we have ideological differences. It is Jaime Ruiz, who this subhuman creature places signing the moralist manifesto justifying his action. Luckily, his slander has not gained ground and bloggers, equinoXio among them, reject this clumsy finger pointing.

País Bizarro and its supporters have reacted to these attacks as well:
Diegoeth writes in Blogosfera Antológica:

Desde aquí invitamos a toda la comunidad de bloggers (se sentirá excluido el hacker) a iniciar una campaña pidiendo a que publique toda la información de accesos al blog de Reflexiones al Desnudo relacionadas con el ataque. Aunque sabotear un blog no es nada fácil (hace rato que País Bizarro hubiera sido saboteado por el mismo personaje), no todos los usuarios saben protegerse de manos criminales y es importante que desde ahora mismo vayamos desenmascarando a los delincuentes que sencillamente no toleran que haya un puñadito de blogs dedicados a criticar a la izquierda colombiana y que están dispuestos a sabotear un blog amigo sólo para tratar de enemistar a su dueña con el objeto de su odio enfermizo.

We invite the whole blogging community (the hacker will thus feel excluded) to begin a campaign requesting to publish all access information to the Reflections in the nude, related to the attack. Although sabotaging  a blog is no easy feat (long ago would Paiz Bizarro have perished by the hand of the same saboteur), not every user knows how to protect themselves from criminal hands, and it is important that from now on they begin to rip the masks from the delinquents who simply can´t tolerate that there are a handful of blogs dedicated to criticizing the Colombian left and who are willing to sabotage a friendly blog just to try to get its owner against the object of their sickly hate.

Jaime Ruiz,  whose name is the one which appears as the signature of these attacks, comments on the previous post:

Lo de firmar con mi nombre tiene éxito en un principio con gente que no lee País Bizarro, pero después ya no lo cree nadie. Es tan absurdo (en cualquier persona, sobre todo en una que escribe un blog) que quien lo hizo tiene que tener una mente más bien infantil. Y algún agravio con Lully. No se va destruyendo una página así sólo por sembrar una calumnia sin sentido. Es curioso, porque ella siempre ha sido muy dulce con nosotros. Sin algún rencor contra ella el que lo hizo habría hecho su gracia en algún blog hostil.

Signing with my name is successful in principle with people who never read “Bizarre Country”, but beyond those, no one would believe it. It is so absurd (in anyperson, more so one who writes a blog) that whoever did this has to have an infantile mind. And a grudge with Lully. You don´t go destroying a page like that just to plant senseless slander. It is curious, because she has always been very sweet to us. Without any grudge against her, they would´ve done their “prank” on some hostile blog.

Lully´s posts are currently being recovered using google cache. She continues to write her column in equinoXio magazine. This attack has echoed around the Colombian Blogosphere:

Álvaro Ramírez Ospina from Ojo al Texto has suggested that the tag “apoyoBlogger” be attached to any post regarding these events, so that bloggers can remain updated.  He also suggested several strategies to protect oneself from blogger attacks. Mauricio Duque Arrubla from En Medio del Ruido expands on Álvaro Ramírez’ advice on how to protect blogs from these cracker attacks, or at least have a plan B in case it happens. Velvet from piso tres  links to Victor Solano´s blog and his “blogger manifesto”.

Other blogs attacked in this unprecedented wave are:

I hope these bloggers get back on their feet quickly and continue with their blogs soon.

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