This Week in Palestinian Blogs: Bethlehem Issues Call to the World

On behalf of Palestinian Bloggers, I extend my deepest condolences to the people of Jordan. We are all one in this. Those who died are our brothers and sisters, they are in our prayers, their memory will linger forever in our hearts. God bless the souls of those who have left us and help their families, God bless our Jordan. If you happen to be a resident of Jordan, please donate blood

Great News:

Bethlehem will issue its own passport to encourage partnership, economics and tourism of the city in what was called Open Bethlehem Project. Bethlehem city has always welcomed refugees, travellers and pilgrims. Recently, the Apartheid Wall has left the city a big prison with only two gates to the outside world. Bthlehem Bloggers wrote about the initiative, and they have happily announced that the Open Bethlehem Project has been officially launched. They urges to take part of the Open Bthlehem Proiject and spread the word. You can start by leaving a message of peace on the wall.

Nativity Church in Bethlehem, by Sugar Cubes

The third annual Sajeena musical concert will take place on the 25th of November in Toronto, Glenforest Secondary School Auditorium 3575, Fieldgate Drive, Mississauga. Great Arabic music will play in solidarity with the Palestinian child prisoners. For more information check Sumoud

More on cultural events, Ibdaa Dance Troupe in the US has begun.

Bad News:

Arabs in Galilee (al-Jaleel) are discriminated against by Israelies whose development plan includes only 4 Arabic communities versus 100 Jewish. In peacepalestine too, a report from Haaretz states that Israel objected on a ceremony to be hold by the Patriarchate to officially instate the new Patriarch Theophilos. Theophilos has replaced Irenios after the scandal, apparently Israel is not too happy with him.

Another Human Rights violation, and one of the most dangerous: Israel used White Phosphorus during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in the 1982 and subsequent attacks. White Phosphorus can cause severe burns and permanent scars. Israel had tested more sever weapons in Lebanon in addition to White Phosphorus.

Human rights groups prepared a petition to be used in their High Court battle to stop Israel occupatoin forces from terrorising citizens of Gaza Strip with Supersonic Booms.

New Israeli raids on Jenin in the West Bank resulted in the assassination of Shoja Bal’awe, aged 26 after Israeli forces banned ambulances from reaching the victim. Israeli occupational forces opened random fire towards Khoza’ah village in Khanyouness killing and injuring at least one.

Arrests in Bil'in continue as Israel occupational forces continues to crush the non-violent resistance of Palestinians and the International Solidarity Movement‘s teams. Help us release Bil'in's children from Israeli prisons. Those innocent children's only fault is daring to resist the Israel's illegal barrier which turns their village into a ghetto. Here is how you can you help.

This week also, on November 11 marked the first anniversary of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. Imaan from Living in Gaza City describes how the streets of Gaza were blocked by police and thirty something masked men with guns appeared out of no where. All in all, people seemed happy and excited, probably in challenging ways.

PalestineFreeVoice says local Palestinian news have reported that 29 new Palestinian ambassadors sworn in Saturday, the 11th of November before President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah.

Haitham Sabbah asks you to shout in terrorists’ faces “I am NOT afraid”. Let them know that terrorism is not acceptable nor tolerated anywhere in the world, and certainly not on Arab land. Haitham helped Jordanian Bloggers Roba , Natasha and Isam in the full-up-to-date coverage of Amman explosions

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