Two Brothels Sponsor Local Football Team in Greece

Two brothels sponsor a local football team in Greece

Two brothels sponsor a local football team in Greece (screenshot from “GiveMeFootball” video)

An amateur football team from Larissa in Central Greece, “Voukefalas”, has found an imaginative way to pay off debts amidst the economic crisis. The team has entered a sponsorship deal with the owner of two local brothels. Players now wear a bright pink uniform with the names of two of Madam Soula Alevridou's two establishments – “Villa Erotica” and “Soula's House of History”. Mainstream and social media, and even overseas media have featured the story.

Prostitution is legal in Greece, but government regulated. However, league organizers have banned the pink kit during games, saying it “violates sporting ideals”.

This video from GiveMeFootball on YouTube tells the story:

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