Singapore: Netizens Discuss Election Issues

As Singapore prepares for the General Elections 2011, netizens are actively commenting on various election issues.

kelvintan73 thinks that voters “will remain contented in the Singapore Matrix

Since Singapore is not a “genuine” democracy, voting in Singapore is basically giving Singaporeans the illusion that they have a choice so that they will remain contented in the Singapore Matrix. From this perspective, general elections in Singapore is like the voter being the One in returning to the Source, rebooting the Matrix for another couple of years.

An anonymous writer lists his election agenda

We should look at ways to sustain economic growth without letting in too many foreign workers

Taxpayers’ monies are used to fund foreigners’ university education while our young people can’t get in and their parents have to spend more to send them overseas for their first degree.

The PAP government should be aware that there is a growing number of dissatisfied singles like myself who can’t own a home in Singapore

Talking about public transport, the PAP government should not have privatised the bus and MRT services in the first place.

PAP refers to the ruling People’s Action Party which has been in power for more than four decades.

Catherine Lim reminds PAP that it should tolerate “disruption” in politics

Disruption is necessary for the political education of the people. Indeed, for young Singaporeans today, increasingly made more discerning, sophisticated and articulate through wide media exposure, the noise and brouhaha of public debate would be far more instructive than a centrally planned, government-approved programme in political education for the schools.

The Itch To Write, an election volunteer, observes that some residents are not aware of the coming elections

My heart sank, I was right. She doesn't even know what voting is let alone know the other political parties. Or she probably did but it was so long ago that she had forgotten.

The Art of Dumbspeak explains why he is not inclined to vote this year

This year I will be 32 and unlike the last two elections, I will be a very different voter. I belong to Generation X, I have responsibilities to my family (read: debt) and I have spent some years in the workforce.

You can say my political vision isn't 20/20, but it's a lot clearer than 5 or 10 years ago.

So it's a pity that I won't likely be voting this time, I would have liked the chance to make a choice based on what I believe in for a change, rather than what I fear, or simply voting opposition for the sake of opposing the PAP.

Onesingaporean identifies the strategy of the ruling party to garner more votes

As the General Elections approaches, the ruling party will put the brakes on price rises which affect ordinary Singaporeans. Not good to go to the polls with an electorate all pent up with anger. Once the brakes are on, the goodies are dished out – as in the recently-announced Budget. All adult Singaporeans will get between S$600 and S$800 – in cash. As in the General Elections of 2006, this will undoubtedly be credited into citizens’ bank accounts. Citizens need not do anything – except to trudge to their nearest ATM to withdraw the cash.

And again, as in 2006, the cash dished out will be close to Polling Day. That year, it was one week before citizens went to the polls. This year – 2011 – the cash is set to be given out from 1 May.

That’s the strategy of the PAP, a party which is gradually losing its appeal. No wonder that it resorts to handing out cold hard cash.

Singapore Lighthouse will not vote for PAP candidates. Here are some of his reasons:

- Opening of the flood gates of foreigners into Singapore to compete for jobs with Singaporeans.

- No independent Election Department (Its under the Prime Minister's Office, WTF???)

- Having a World Best Salary while keep telling the people to increase productivity and settle with low wages for low income earners. Anyway we no need a minimum wages policy although China and Hong Kong had already implemented one.

funny little world is a first time voter

I never saw voting as a big deal before turning 21, but now that we know elections are probably going to be this year, I find myself getting really quite excited about it.

I hope this year that the opposition will keep their eyes on the prize, and not ruin things for themselves by squabbling and fragmenting. It only serves to discredit themselves. And when the elections come ’round, I want to be able to have a real choice.

The Anti Neo-Democracy Theorist and modernburrow analyze the strength of political parties participating in the elections. Party officials discuss their views on LGBT concerns. Abdillah Zamzuri explains the impact of the redrawn election boundaries.

For election updates, I recommend Singapore General Election Portal and The Singapore Daily.

Photo from the website of the Singapore General Election Portal

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