Africa: Women Bloggers discuss war of a different kind

It's been a while. I took some time to go and fight some personal wars. It ended up being quite a while. I'm back now and eager to share with you this blog roundup about African women bloggers talking about “war of a different kind.”

Tehilah has been away for almost an entire month – but not without leaving us with some wonderful warfare secrets.. Far be it from me to get all judgmental and hypocritical, though! I have been away for much longer, after all.  Tehilah has been studying the book of Exodus, and has shared a few battle tips with us.

“There is a constant battle in the realm of the spirits,” she says, somewhat sternly. “The choice of soldiers who will fight alongside you is probably one of the most important decisions anyone can make.” She ends her post in an urgent tone: “Warfare is serious business! You must put away sentiments!”

Oh, if only it were that simple! We are women – sentiments are something that come naturally for us.

Take Wanjiku, for example. She misses the simple love of yesterday. She explores the possibilities of loving with a new mindset, in a new generation. Where did the innocent, hassle-free days go? How and where are all the people we loved in those days? What are the acceptable and unacceptable processes of the now?

…who said we have to be happy all the time ?? where is it written that we are supposed to be compatible ?? where is the fun in having someone who likes the same things, does the same things that i do ?? love is a mystery, marriage is a mystery how two people born in different places, different upbringing come together and became one… no its not about two half people…its two whole person….becoming one..mathematics by the creator of marriage and relationships himself !

. . .

if only husbands will read the bible before that affair, if only wives would read the bible before plotting and visit the witch doctors….if only we could teach our children how to read the bible from when they are born !!!
Imagine the possibilities, a new generation, a new mindset….a fresh beginning….
i miss the simple love of yesterday…

Rockhead cannot stand hypocrisy, it seems. “Does anybody hear” this young lady's heart? She went to get some juice, someone happened to be witnessing to the shopkeeper, and suddenly she was given a new title: Distraction. Can’t a girl just buy orange juice in peace?:

What?It took all my willpower to not march back there and give the guy a piece of my mind. This is a shopkeeper, his work is to sell stuff to customers…how is my coming to buy something a hindrance to God’s word? Was it because I interrupted them to ask for the flavor of the drink I wanted? Was it just becasue I dared walk there while they were preaching to the guy? Does this mean people should not perform their duties because the word of God will be hindered?
Exactly how weak is this word that anyone walking by can manage to hinder it?

She continues:

I felt so judged, I felt like they were those Pharisees I read about in the Bible. The weird part is that I am saved. I’m not lost or Godless. Is it because I wasn’t dressed like a Christian? What is the dress code for Christians anyway?

Talking to them would have probably not helped. I would have come out sounding like I needed to prove a point (and been late to work and forgotten my drink, maybe).

As we read her blog entry, we can conclude with her that many times, the biggest hypocrite is that girl in the mirror.

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