China:Google's announcement to clarify rumors brings in more speculations

What’s going on with Google? Millions of Chinese netizens are wondering.
On Google China’s Blackboard, a Chinese-language blog run by, a post titled ‘clear the air of rumors’ stated:

过去几天里,我们看到有很多关于谷歌中国以及谷歌员工的不真实的传言,一 些报道称我们已经关闭了在中国的办公室,还有一些报道称我们在中国的员工已经接到通知将于近期离职。这些都是不真实的。目前,谷歌中国的员工同过去一样在 办公室正常工作,讨论产品开发,与客户进行沟通。尽管谷歌总部管理层近期宣布他们将会在未来的几个星期与中国政府就一些事宜进行商讨,谷歌中国的员工们仍 在一如既往地努力向我们的用户和合作伙伴提供最好的产品和服务,用户和合作伙伴对谷歌是非常重要的

In the past few days we have heard many rumors about Google China and its local employees. Some reported that we have shut down the offices in China and some claimed our Chinese staff would lose their jobs in the near future. These rumors are not true! Chinese employees of are, as usual, working in the office, discussing product development and talking with our clients. Although management in Google HQ announced their decision to discuss some issues with the Chinese government, Chinese employees are working hard as always to provide the best service and products to our clients and partners, who are crucial to Jan 19

Last week, Google in its official blog announced its surprising decision to stop censoring the content on its Chinese website, a move interpreted by many as a threat to quit the China market if necessary. It triggered mass reaction from Chinese netizens who mostly supported the action.

However the matter is more complicated than people thought. Rumors about Google’s real intent soon spread across the internet. Different interpretations and perspectives on its possible exit were floated and the controversy has not yet ceased.

Spy inside
It was reported that Google is investigating its employees on suspicion of hacking from inside. As an article in Reuters suggests:
Local media, citing unnamed sources, reported that some Google China employees were denied access to internal networks after January 13, while some staff were sent on leave and others transferred to different offices in Google's Asia Pacific operations.

Let’s look at the original version in Chinese which is widely cited and circulated on the internet.


Chinese engineers found their access to the Google servers denied as Google HQ announced the decision to quit China. Without any advance notice they discovered they couldn’t access the home server when they came to work


If Google’s retreat was planned, why they did react in such a hurry? They could have just let everyone in China keep working and help the transition process. Why does Google no longer trust the Chinese team members so suddenly?


The only reason must be is that there were undercover ‘spies,’ dispatched by the Party, discovered at the Google Shanghai office working as technicians. They downloaded the key codes of Gmail after being hired and passed it on to Chinese organizations. The purpose was to hack the Gmail system and intercept the email exchanges of the human rights groups, which motive is reflected in Google’s announcement.


Of course Google cannot disclose this fact since it would expose all the loopholes of Gmail and its reputation as a secure service provider would be seriously damaged. The espionage posed a significant threat to Google and that is why Google said issues of intellectual property were involved. Google obviously believed the survival of the firm would be put in danger if it stayed in China any longer so Google stopped work in China immediately.

The post furthermore claimed that there were three spies, all of whom were Party operatives. However, quite a few responses to the post ridicule this as simply a sensational speculation.

A rational decision

In, a journalist summarized the troubles entangled Google since its entry into China.

2006年2月 牌照门
2006年11月 辞职门
2007年2月 地图门
2007年4月 词库门
2007年5月 抄袭门
2007年6月 报告门
2007年7月 流氓软件门
2007年8月 恶搞门
2007年10月 税务门
2008年3月 抄袭门2.0
2008年3月 漏税门
2008年6月 捐款门
2008年6月 泄密门
2008年11月 广告门
2009年1月 低俗门
2009年4月 低俗门2.0
2009年6月 涉黄门
2009年10月 版权门
2009年12月 涉黄门2.0

Partial translation:

2007/2 In Google Maps, a Chinese city was marked with a name from the time of the Japanese occupation
2009/1 Google was criticized by the state for being vulgar
2009/10 Google was accused of infringement of copyright.
2009/6 Google was found to be showing obscene content


Think about it, which international enterprise can afford to have so much trouble? The income of Google in China only makes up about 1% of its total revenues, so even if it abandons the market it won’t be greatly affected, but the Chinese government would lose face. Therefore, it is believed by some people that the threatened exit is just a cover story for its commercial failure in China.

Blogger Yemingzhu suggests Google takes the chance to quit China as a pretext for its business failure.


Another is saying is that Google’s high-profile exit is aimed at covering up its business failure in China because Google’s reputation doesn’t win it much profit. Given its huge costs, the exit is understandable.

Google is currently the second largest search engine in mainland China and has about 30% of market share to Baidu’s 60%.
Ma Yun(马云), the well-known president of, an e-commerce website, criticized Google:


Google succeeded in U.S with its entrepreneurship and insistence on its cause. However, in China it daydreams that money can manipulate the market while ignoring the fact that it should stand it’s ground to change others with its passion step by step.

He also called Yahoo’s support of Google a rash decision.

Political conspiracy
Gaoren thought Google’s exit has political motivation, possibly backed by the U.S government.

Google是在中国政府的网络监察制度更严格的时候进入中国市场,希望在中国市场分得一羹。在中国政府的网络监察制度越 来越宽松的情况下退出市场,但站出来高调批评网络监察制度,这本身就是滑稽的,也是站不住脚的。至少表明Google和其声明中的道德是格格不入的。 Google只不过是利用政治作为撤出中国市场的遁词。

Google entered the Chinese market at a time of stricter censorship and tried to grab a share of this huge market. But today it is exiting when restrictions on the internet are becoming laxer. It is ridiculous for it to stand up and criticize restrictions at this time. It doesn’t maintain the moral high ground expressed in its statement and is simply using politics as an excuse to quit the Chinese market.

按照Google自己的高调标准,Google本身是一个高举道德大旗的魔鬼。2008年印度22岁的IT专业人士 Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid因为在Orkut网站写下“我恨索尼娅甘地(I hate Sonia Gandhi)”而遭逮捕。 Orkut是Google在印度的一个社交网络网站。Google立即向印度警方提供了Vaid的Gmail电子邮件信息。

In fact by its own standards, it is a demon. In 2008 Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid in India was arrested because he wrote ‘I hate Sonia Gandhi’ on Orkut, a social website. Google immediately provided his Gmail information to the police when requested.

2010年1月7号,国务卿希拉里.克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在国务院请吃饭。这是一场小规模的晚宴,规 模虽小,来客却都是通讯科技界的重量级人物。客人名单上有谷歌首席执行官埃里克.施密特(Eric Schmidt)、Twitter联合创始人杰克.多 尔西(Jack Dorsey)、微软首席研究与战略官克瑞格.蒙迪(Craig Mundie),以及Mobile Accord总裁James  Eberhard, Cisco的行销总裁Susan Bostron,纽约大学教授Clay Shirky, Personal个人民主组织创始人 Andrew Rasiej等。这是美国国务院利用信息技术来推进美国外交目标的努力的一部分。


On Jan 7, 2010, Hillary Clinton invited quite a few big names in the IT industry to a banquet, including Eric Schmidt (Google), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Craig Mundie(Microsoft), James Eberhard, Susan Bostron (Cisco), Clay Shirky (Professor in NYU), Andrew Rasiej (Human rights group). This was seen as part of a US initiative to push its diplomatic goals using information technology.
A few days later, Google bailed out so is it serving the interests of the US government? Let’s wait and see. But, if it is part of an American political plan, then it is totally reasonable for the Chinese government to curb it.

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