YouTube starts citizen journalism channel

Getting citizen journalism videos more airtime has just gotten easier: YouTube video uploading website has opened a new channel exclusively for citizen videos named CitizenNews. Vloggers who specialize in reporting what is going on where they live can now subscribe to the channel and let the world know what is going on.

Following, the invitation made by YouTube and presentation of Olivia who will be in charge of the CitizenNews channel:

One of their featured videos are produced and taped by Miyong G. Kuon from South Sudan, who reports about the conditions in refugee camps, where it can get sweltering hot, or flooded whenever it rains too hard:

Let me take the opportunity and tell you that Global Voices already has its own YouTube channel, where all the videos I've posted on my articles have been marked as favorites and many of the producers have been subscribed to, and even some videos which didn't make it into articles, but are still quite good and interesting.

If you have any videos you would like to see written about in this video blogging section, please send me an email (available through my author page) or write in a comment with a short explanation of why you think it is an important video to showcase, and I'll do my best to include all your requests.

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