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How to Reduce the Production of CO2 in Daily Life?

Categories: Western Europe, Spain, Citizen Media, Environment

Rut Abrain reflects on her blog Esturirafi [1] about one of the main cause of climate change: the production of carbon dioxide (CO2). In this sense, the blogger stresses out that not only factories, vehicles and planes produce CO2, but also each one of un in our daily lives. To have an idea of the magnitude of the impact of our daily activities in the production of CO2, Rut suggests us to use this calculator [2].

Surprised? Yes, each one of us has some responsibility in climate change, and at the same time, each one of us is able to reverse that with small actions. Rut shares some advises [3] to reduce pur production of CO2:

[…] – Reducir, reutilizar y reciclar. Esto tienes que aplicarlo en todas las facetas de tu vida: evita productos con un empaquetado excesivo, compra productos de segunda mano, separa los residuos de manera adecuada para su posterior reciclaje.

[…] – Reduce, reuse and recycle. You have to do this in all aspects of your life: avoid products with excessive packaging, purchase second hand articles, separate litter properly for further recycling.

Rut also says to reduce our “carbon footprint [4]“:

- Ahorra energía, tanto electricidad, como gas natural, butano o gasoil.
– Compra productos locales.
– Camina, utiliza el transporte público, la bicicleta.
– Utiliza menos papel.

- Save energy, electricity, natural gas, domestic gas or diesel.
– Purchase local products.
– Walk, use public transportatipn.
– Use less paper.

The blogger ends up with a quote by Eduardo Galeano [5] applicable to the impact these small actions have on reversing climate change:

Mucha gente pequeña en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, pueden cambiar el mundo.

Too many small people in small places, making small things, can change the world.

You can follow Rut on Twitter [6].

This post was part of the thirty-first #LunesDeBlogsGV [7] (Monday of blogs on GV) on December 1, 2014.