26 December 2014

Stories from 26 December 2014

How to Reduce the Production of CO2 in Daily Life?

  26 December 2014

Rut Abrain reflects on her blog Esturirafi about one of the main cause of climate change: the production of carbon dioxide (CO2). In this sense, the blogger stresses out that not only factories, vehicles and planes produce CO2, but also each one of un in our daily lives. To have...

Mexico: An Unsatisfactory and Late Presidential Address

  26 December 2014

On Thursday, November 27, 2014, Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto addressed publicly Mexican nation to make a stand about the shocking events occured in Iguala and to announce a set of actions to be taken. The address was a disappointment for most of the Mexican people, who expected more from...