Ten years ago, world leaders developed a blueprint for improving the social and economic situation in the world's poorest countries. To ensure progress, United Nations member states agreed to adopt a set of targets called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The deadline for achieving these eight goals is 2015.
With only five years to go, world leaders are currently attending a United Nations Summit in New York on 20-22 September 2010 to discuss how to accelerate global poverty reduction. On Twitter, you can follow these Global Voices bloggers who are there in person: @SonamOngmo @bhumikaghimire @andrea_arzaba and @lastoadri
Worldwide, we are still a long way off from achieving the 2015 goals, but many countries have made progress. On Global Voices, we often tell stories of serious social and economic injustice, but we also focus on people who are doing good work to promote change — often by using citizen media or other technologies. Below, are some Global Voices stories that show how citizens themselves are contributing to development goals worldwide.

Kids lining up to receive health care along the border of the Amazon river in Brazil. Photo by Deborah Icamiaba (CC-BY)
Together with our friends at the UNFPA blog Conversations for a Better World (On Twitter, @_conversations_) we would love to hear more examples and ideas from bloggers worldwide.
- Reactions to MDG Summit on Global Voices
- Global Voices Development Stories
- Related Activities During UN Summit
Reactions to MDG Summit on Global Voices
08 Oct – Can We Halve Global Hunger by 2015?
25 Sep – Bhutan: ‘Happiness’ as a Millennium Development Goal
22 Sep – Australia: MDG Summit Lying Low Down Under
22 Sep – Global Voices Bloggers at UN Millennium Development Goals Summit
Global Voices Development Stories
The eight headlines below represent the eight Millennium Development Goals followed by stories of positive developments, projects, or commentary highlighted by Global Voices bloggers.
* End Poverty and Hunger
Philippines: Storytelling for Hunger Awareness
Bangladesh: Uncultured Project and Clean Water
Africa's Hunger Hardships Spur Biotech Debate
Niger: The Silent Famine
Bangladesh: Visitors Share Their Thoughts On Grameen Ventures
* Universal Education
India: Video Giving A Voice To Marginalised Communities
Video: Mobile Libraries of the World
ICTs and the spread of indigenous knowledge
Ghanaian students contribute to virtual media library
Video: Kids News Network turns to web
* Gender Equality
Venezuela: Allies in Technology, Women Who are Not Afraid of Mice
Togo: Women and Adolescents Embrace Technology for Development
Jamaica: High Teen Pregnancy and Sexual Violence Rates
* Child Health
Brazil: Blogging from riverside communities in the Amazon
Ethiopia: What a Difference Water Makes
Philippines: Bloggers’ Views on Sex Education
Video: Worldwide youth express themselves in 60 seconds
Poland: Put a smile on a child's face – it's easy!
* Maternal Health
Serbia: “Mother Courage”
Videos on how Maternal Mortality Affects Communities
Pregnancy and Prisons: Women's Health and Rights Behind Bars
* Combat HIV/AIDS
Sierra Leone: Sex and STD Awareness through Video
Global Health: Mobile Phones to Boost Healthcare
China: Tian Xi Deserves Happiness
Africa: Marking World AIDS Day Poetically
Online Campaigns To Combat Spread Of HIV/AIDS
A Guide to Blogging about Life with HIV/AIDS
* Environmental Sustainability
Worldwide: The oil spills that don't make the news
Chile: From California to Chile on Biodiesel
Global: e-Waste – Recycle or Reuse?
Global: If there is no water, there is no life
* Global Partnership
Voices of Young African Leaders Heard at Obama's Forum
Diaspora and Development in the Francophone World
Caucasus: Conflict Voices
Israeli and Palestinian youth use video to understand the conflict
Africa: Notes From the Field
Related Activities During UN Summit
Online and offline a lot has been happening related to the visit of world leaders to the United Nations in New York.
Conversations for a Better World
UN Digital Media Lounge
Mashable Global Good Summit
Clinton Global Initiative
We Can End Poverty
Stand up and Take Action
Facebook discussions led by UNDP’s Helen Clark