Cop15 Climate Change Summit 2009

COP15 logoThe United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP15) is taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark on December 7-18. All eyes are focused on politicians, NGOs and activists, during negotiations that will help determine the future course of the world.

Online citizen media has already played an enormously important role in raising global awareness and moving citizens to take action by protesting, signing petitions, lighting candles, etc.

On this page:

Global Voices Team in Copenhagen

COP15 Twitter listThe following Global Voices authors will be in Copenhagen for COP15. You can read them on their own blogs, or follow them via the Twitter list: “GV-bloggers-at-COP15″

Selected posts from their blogs:

Global Voices Environment Coverage

Bloggers worldwide write about the subjects that affect them personally, including climate change. We seek out important voices that are rarely heard and amplify them for a large audience.

Recommended Citizen Media

Th!nk About It – A blogging portal and competition from the European Journalism Center involving dozens of world voices.

China Dialoguee – Bilingual Chinese-English website about the environment. Keep an eye on the Bali to Copenhagen Section.

Arab Environment Watch – Monitoring environmental issues in Jordan and Arab world. – Video sharing site about social justice and environmental issues in the Asia Pacific

Indymedia Danmark – Street reporters from Denmark unite with other media activists to cover the COP15 UN climate conference from protesters’ perspective.

Climate Witness, WWF – Stories from individuals at risk from climate change, photos, videos, and a map collecting all the stories.

Earth Journalism Awards - Hundreds of stories from local journalists around the world, including citizen media.

TckTckTckTckTckTck – Amazing, mega website of the Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA) in Canada representing a global alliance of organizations and individuals. Blogs, live video, and more.

Adopt a Negotiator - A group of 13 young people each adopt a negotiator at the UN Summit and cover their every step during the talks via blogs and Twitter.

Climate Insider – For online activists, there is an invitation-only email list curated by TckTckTck where some of the most active organizations exchange links and information. Apply to join.

World Wide Views on Global Warming – a deliberative project involving 4,400 citizens from 38 countries to affect international climate policy.

Klima Forum 09 – An alternative People's Climate Summit held in Copenhagen from December 7-18 to create an open space, where people, movements and organisations can develop constructive solutions to the climate crisis.

openDemocracy – Leading thinkers explore various political perspectives on the climate change debate.

New Life Festival – More than 3000 Danish homes are opening their doors to activists who need a place to stay during the Copenhagen Summit, organized

Global Voices has a spreadsheet of even more projects that we are updating as we go. Feel free to add links if you think there is something we are missing.

Citizen photos

Fotopedia – An encyclopedia of beautiful photos with a special contest on COP15.

Demotix – The citizen photo news agency has a special section on Copenhagen.

Flickr- Thousands of photos have been tagged with “COP15″ on the global photo-sharing website.

Citizen Video and Live-Blogs

Miscellaneous Multi-Media

Copenhagen Climate Speech Mashup!

Ecopolitoligy invites us all to edit this map and contribute links to speeches by government officials around the world. View large map!

View Climate Change Speech Clouds in a larger map