On March 1, 2008 the Colombian Armed Forces attacked a camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) located in the territory of Ecuador, killing a high-ranking leader, Raúl Reyes. As a result, the neighboring countries Venezuela and Ecuador publicly questioned the incursion into Ecuador, which ultimately led to the breaking of diplomatic ties. Additional circumstances surrounding the attack and the questionable presence of FARC guerrillas in Ecuador caused tension, as well as the discovery of alleged evidence on FARC computers, which link the governments of Ecuador and Venezuela to the guerrilla group.
Picture of Álvaro Uribe (Colombia´s president) by A Look Askance
Global Voices Timeline
27 May – Colombia: FARC Laptops, Ties to Politicians & Foreign Governments
26 Mar – Ecuador: The Aftermath of the Border Crisis
08 Mar – Venezuela: Agreement Reached in Santo Domingo
08 Mar – Brazil: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela & Besieged Latin America
05 Mar – Colombia: The Unsettling Conflict with Ecuador and Venezuela
04 Mar – Ecuador: Breaking Diplomatic Ties With Colombia