Latest posts by Winston Chiu
Thailand's democracy protests reflect rising dissatisfaction over the monarchy
Criticizing the monarchy is a crime in Thailand yet protesters, especially young activists, continue to organize rallies calling for monarchy reforms.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: When diaries become citizen reports
"As time passes, diaries are like caterpillars transforming into butterflies."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Collateral damage
I did not plan to write this diary for 77 days. Writing is a kind of conversation – with myself, and with others.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: A day of arranged mourning
"Today is a sunny. I always look forward to a sunny day when it is cloudy. But the sunlight today feels so ironic."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘You can go outside for two hours’
Someone asked me, "What is the first thing that you want to do after the lockdown is lifted?" I said, "I want to walk by the river and yell."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘People cannot grieve freely for their relatives. How repressive!’
"After the storm, we will need to rebuild our lives like those blown-down buildings."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘A person can survive the pandemic but not bullying, fear, and hatred’
People are asked to report their status to the grid controller and health code system everyday in exchange of mobility after the lifting of lockdown.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: What future after the pandemic?
"It is natural for us to feel lucky that we stayed alive. However, what about our society? Will it have more respect for human life and rights?"
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Surrounded by walls of glass
"Even if you are courageous you are surrounded by walls made of glass. You try smashing through them, but they are always there."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Chinese netizens’ tribute to whistleblower Dr. Ai Fen
There are still people who are brave enough to speak up, and we value these people and try our best to spread their messages.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: A fake performance
They yelled out from their windows “fake, fake, it is all formalist performance”. This is not the first time the people in Wuhan express their resentment.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Feelings of insecurity
I want to go to the park to take a stroll after the lockdown is lifted...
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Volunteers collect help messages during the pandemic
Domestic violence is emerging in the pandemic and volunteers are keeping records of their stories.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Waiting for the lifting of the lockdown
"There are more than 30,000 confirmed cases in Wuhan, and we will wait for a long time before the lockdown is lifted."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘Our action has brought us hope’
Despite being locked down, volunteers are working hard to help others in need.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Restrictions tighten
"From the city lockdown to the community lockup, restriction on our activities has become stricter and stricter, and we are deprived of our power little by little."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: When humans are turned into objects
"It is all about control. We need to deprive their power... and turned them into objects."
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: Looking for human connection in isolation
Global Voices will publish Ai and Guo's diaries from Wuhan in a series. The following words were written in the second week of the lockdown between January 29-February 4, 2020.
COVID-19 diaries from Wuhan: ‘…not only a city being locked down, but also our voices’
In these Wuhan diaries, the lives of ordinary people living under top-down control and surveillance, show how people are atomized and reduced into a collective.
Taiwan’s referendum results may have been swayed by an ill-informed public
Many feel that an ill-informed public swayed the results of Taiwan's recent referendums.