Latest posts by Vilhelm Konnander from July, 2009
Russia: Social friction police
LJ user Savinkoff comments on [RUS] the establishment of Interior Ministry squads targeted at averting social friction in Russian regions, such as protests and demonstrations due to the economic crisis.
Russia: Moscow election posters
LJ user Ilya Yashin publishes [RUS] campaign posters for the upcoming Moscow local elections, illustrating the current Russian political landscape.
Russia: Sources of sectarianism
Sean's Russia Blog reflects upon Russians’ affinity to religious sectarianism, against the background of RIA Novosti coverage.
Russia: Barring appeal to the Court of Europe
Finrosforum turns attention to a Russian legislative proposal designed to bar citizens – mainly Chechens – to sue Russia at the European Court of Human Rights.
Nabucco: Running out of gas
Der Spiegelfechter comments on [GER] the agreement to build gas pipeline Nabucco and wonders where the gas will be coming from, whereas Der Unbequeme questions [GER] the need of yet...
Czech Republic: Sixty percent of Czechs support death penalty
The Czech Daily Word draws attention to a survey showing that 6 out of 10 Czechs support the death penalty.
Belarus: The Grünwald pillow battle
LJ user reaktivny puz advertises [RUS] a 15 July celebration of the 1410 battle at Grünwald (Tannenberg) by staging a battle with pillows.
Belarus: Between Napoleon and Alexander
LJ user nicolaev writes about [RUS] Belarus during the Napoleonic wars and how the country related to Russia and the invading French.
Nabucco: Chorus of the energy slaves
Gabriela Ionita of Power&PoliticsWeblog discusses the recent agreement in Ankara on the construction of the western financed Nabucco gas pipeline and competition with Russia over Caucasian and Central Asian gas...
Latvia: EU and IMF rift on Baltic economy
Latvia Economy Watch reports of increasing divergences between the EU and IMF on addressing the financial crisis in Latvia.
Eastern and Central Europe ranking on the Failed States Index
Eternal Remont comments the ranking of states in Eastern and Central Europe on Foreign Policy's Failed States Index.
Russia: Why there will be no new war with Georgia
LJ user ulakya rejects [RUS] fears of a new conflict between Russia and Georgia and argues why Moscow wants to avoid war in the Caucasus.
Russia: If you can't beat the west – join NATO
LJ user ne onegin defaitistically argues [RUS] that Russia should join NATO due to the alliance's military superiority, arguing if you can't beat them, join them.
Moldova: Review of the Twitter revolution
Nouvelle Europe reviews [FR] the April 2009 Twitter revolution in Moldova and puts it into greater perspective as for the country's relations with neighbouring Romania.
Lithuania: Russian charter challenges loyalty
Lituanica comments on news that a Russian NGO is starting to issue so called Russian charters – a certificate of allegiance to Moscow – to ethnic Russians outside of the...
Czech Republic-Slovakia: Fraternal friction in Euroland
Czechmatediary comments on a New York Times article reporting how Slovakia benefits from the introduction of Euro, whereas the Czech Republic seems to lag behind without the EU-currency.
US-Russia: American reactions to Obama in Moscow
The Ivanov Report discusses some reactions in US media on President Obama's visit to Moscow last week.
Poland: Intolerance against gays
Polandian writes about a new survey showing that 75% of Poles are opposed to same-sex marriage and 87% are against gay adoption.
Lithuania: Protest against anti-gay legislation
Dr. Sean's Diary comments on a Lithuanian legislative bill proposing criminalization of propagating homosexuality and posts a press-release from the Lithuanian Gay League protesting the bill.
Estonia: Comparing 1989 with 2009
Gedanken über Estland presents [GER] a number of statistical figures comparing Estonia in 1989 and 2009, against the background of financial crisis, showing a decline in almost every sector of...
Russia: Search engine politics
LJ user kostyaorlov posts [RUS] statistics on the frequency of searches for political parties by leading search engine Yandex in various Russian regions, thus indicating geographic variation of political interest...