Latest posts by Victoria Robertson from March, 2013
Peru: NO Vote Straddles Victory and Defeat in Lima's Recall Election
Last Sunday's municipal recall election in Lima has had unexpected results: the Mayoress gets to keep her job, but appears to have lost most of her councillors. The social networks are putting it in perspective.
The Curious Case of Hugo Chávez and Peru
As we all know, Hugo Chávez, president of Venezuela, died on March 5. But what we are perhaps less familiar with is the symbiotic relationship between Chávez and Peru.
Peru: Are Safety Concerns in Lima Justified or Overblown?
In Peru's social networks, the level of anxiety is rising over perceptions of a spike in violent crime. The police, the government, and even the media are being held responsible, but there are those who point to recent statistics that indicate crime may actually be decreasing.