Latest posts by Raphael Tsavkko Garcia from June, 2012
Brazil: Anti-Corruption Bill Revoked
The Brazilian anti-corruption bill known as Ficha Limpa (No Criminal Record), had its immediate effect revoked by the Supreme Federal Court with 6 votes against 5, as Marcos Bahé, from the...
Brazil: Second Round of Occupy Belo Monte Started
Marcelo Salazar, a Brazilian engineer who works for the [river] Xingu Program of the Instituto Socioambiental, posted on Facebook a series of photos from the second round of “occupy” Belo...
Brazil: Satirical Blog ‘Falha’ Summarizes Censorship Case in Video
Brazilian journalist Lino Bocchini recorded [pt] a 2 minute video that summarizes the case of the satirical blog Falha de São Paulo. Falha was censored and sued by the newspaper...
Brazil: Facebook Censors Photos of the ‘SlutWalk’
Not long after the SlutWalk which took place in several Brazilian cities, photos in which some women appear bare-breasted in protest against male chauvinism were deleted by Facebook for “violating the declaration of rights and responsibilities.” The social network has found itself at the core of the debate about the distinction between “gratuitous” nudity, pornography and social activism.
Brazil: Expropriation Approved for Slave Labor Properties
In order to combat slave labor, the Brazilian Congress recently approved Bill 438, which guarantees the immediate expropriation of rural or urban areas, without the right to compensation, where one proves the existence of slave labor or similar forms of exploitation of manpower in them.
Brazil: Government Cuts on Public Healthcare System
The Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff decreased [pt] by 50% the salaries of physicians in the Healthcare System (SUS) through a ‘provisory measure‘, in May, 2012. Conceição Lemes, from the blog Vi...