Latest posts by Raphael Tsavkko Garcia from October, 2011
Brazil: Mobilization Against Racism Towards Indigenous Peoples
Following the occupation of the Belo Monte construction site, socio-environmental student Robson Fernando, from the blog Consciência, denounces [pt] racist comments left by readers of Folha de São Paulo on...
Brazil: Is the Ruling Party an LGBT Ally?
Marcelo Gerald published a series of posts (part 1, 2 and 3) [pt] on the blog Eleições Hoje (Elections Today), that analyses the position of the ruling party in Brazil,...
Brazil: Journalists Collaborate with US State Department
Luis Cezar, from the blog Brasil Que Vai, publishes a paper by Helena de Souza which reports on documents released by Wikileaks that link journalists from the main Brazilian TV...
Brazil: Violence Against Indigenous Fulni-o Tapuya
Brazilian blogger Danielle Pereira, on Diário Liberdade, denounces [pt] (with photos and videos) abuses and violence committed by the police of Brasilia against members of the indigenous community Fulni-o Tapuya....
Brazil: #OccupySaoPaulo Sets Up Camp
A group of Brazilian activists who have set up camp in downtown São Paulo since October 15 protests are now facing the possibility of police repression, says [pt] blogger Conceição...
Brazil: Different Perspectives on Steve Jobs’ Work
As the world mourns the death of Steve Jobs, the Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff illustrates another side of the entrepreneur. The same does Rodrigo Savazoni, on the blog Trezentos, saying...
Brazil: Senator Suggests Whipping for Lazy Prisoners
Brazilian journalist Marco Antônio Araujo, from the blog O Provocador (The Provocateur), says [pt], with irony, that he is “in favor of whipping thugs who don't work” but suggests “that...
Brazil: FIFA's Demands in the Run Up to the World Cup 2014
Brazilian blogger José Carlos denounces [pt] the controversial demands of FIFA (the highest governing body of football) on the preparation of the World Cup 2014 . Several Brazilian laws, such...
Brazil: Mega No to Surveillance Wins FRIDA Award
The movement Mega No to Surveillance [pt], a Brazilian watchdog of online censorship, has won the FRIDA International Award in the category “Freedoms”. This joint initiative of Latin American Network...
Brazil: Open Letter Defends Women's Dignity
Maria da Penha Neles, a Brazilian feminist blog, published an open letter [pt] by the activist Reginna Sampaio (@brazilpalestine) to the “sertanejo” [country music] duo Bruno & Marrone that, in...
Brazil: Historic Speech at UN for Brazil's First Female President
Dilma Rousseff, the first female president elected in Brazil, has also become the first woman to open an annual meeting of the General Assembly of United Nations, on September 21. The historical speech is discussed and debate by bloggers.