Latest posts by Raphael Tsavkko Garcia from May, 2011
Brazil/Palestine: Football Player Removed from Facebook and National Team
The blog Palestinian Field Negro denounces that the Facebook account of the Brazilian football player from Real Madrid (Spain), Marcelo Vieira, has been deleted due to his support of the...
Brazil: Poisoning Homeless People
Luana dos Santos denounces [pt] several attempts of killing homeless people in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with poisoned food and drinks.
Brazil: Police Crackdown on Street Performer
Hugo Albuqueque from the blog O Descurvo, posts a video report [pt] on the police crackdown against a street performer in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The local Mayor's...
Brazil: Homophobia, Religion and Politics
In the second article in the series dedicated to LGBT issues in Brazil, Global Voices reports on polemical statements made by parliamentarians, extreme right groups and religious representatives that oppose legislative advances, and have left the blogosphere startled at the level of hatred and prejudice shown.