Raphael Tsavkko Garcia · October, 2010

Latest posts by Raphael Tsavkko Garcia from October, 2010

Brazil: Prejudice against atheists

  13 October 2010

Robson Fernando, in his blog Arauto da Consciência, comments [pt] on an article written by political activist and liberation theologist Frei Betto that argued those who tortured left-wing Brazilian presidential...

Brazil: more media censorship

  8 October 2010

Rogério Tomaz Jr, from the blog Conexão Brasília Maranhão [Connection Brasília Maranhão], comments [pt] on the censorship suffered by psychoanalyst Maria Rita Kehl, fired by the newspaper O Estado de...

Brazil: “48 Hours Democracy”

  2 October 2010

For the first time in history, Brazilian bloggers are gathered for a 48 hours livestream coverage of the electoral voting day in Brazil (starting on October 2 at 9 am...