Latest posts by Raphael Tsavkko Garcia from October, 2010
Brazil: Magazine censored by opposition party
The magazine Revista do Brasil, produced by the Rede Brasil Atual, has been censored by the opposition party, PSDB and its candidate, José Serra, for allegedly campaigning in favour of...
Brazil: Prejudice against atheists
Robson Fernando, in his blog Arauto da Consciência, comments [pt] on an article written by political activist and liberation theologist Frei Betto that argued those who tortured left-wing Brazilian presidential...
Brazil: more media censorship
Rogério Tomaz Jr, from the blog Conexão Brasília Maranhão [Connection Brasília Maranhão], comments [pt] on the censorship suffered by psychoanalyst Maria Rita Kehl, fired by the newspaper O Estado de...
Brazil: Discussing the presidential elections
André Egg, from the blog Um Drible nas Certezas [A Dribble in Certainties], posts [pt] a series of links evaluating the outcome of the Brazilian presidential elections.
Brazil: 9 year old victim of “electoral bullying”
Arnóbio Rocha, in his own blog, denounces [pt] what he calls “Electoral Bullying”, an episode in which his 9 year old daughter was attacked by children of about the same...
Brazil: “48 Hours Democracy”
For the first time in history, Brazilian bloggers are gathered for a 48 hours livestream coverage of the electoral voting day in Brazil (starting on October 2 at 9 am...