Latest posts by Raphael Tsavkko Garcia from March, 2010
Brazil: São Paulo State police beat striking teachers
Departing governor of São Paulo José Serra will run for presidency; teachers today marked his final day with another protest. During a previous demonstration calling for pay rises and other benefits, police hit peaceful strikers hard.
Sweden: Parliament Recognizes the Assyrian Genocide
The Swedish Parliament has recognized as genocide the massacres that took place within the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1920 against the Armenian, Assyrian and Pontic Greek population - an episode that is also referred to as "Seyfo" by the Assyrian Diaspora. Bloggers react to this development in this post.
Russia: Sochi Games and the Circassian Genocide
In 2014, the Russian resort of Sochi will host the Winter Olympic Games, but the 700,000-900,000 of ethnic Circassians living in Russia are trying their best to prevent the country from having its Olympic games in peace.
France/Spain: Blog censorship
The Quemando Iglesias [Burning Churches] blog reports [es] on the forced shut down of the zer egin duzue jonekin [What they did to Jon?], a blog that had gathered support for the investigation...