Latest posts by Thalia Rahme from August, 2011
Syria: World Cities Rally Against and For Bashar
Events in Syria are being echoed around the world. Syrians in the diaspora rallied in the majority of the cities in the world, either asking to overthrow Bashar Al Assad and his regime or chanting their love to their leader. Check out this video round up for footage from demonstrations worldwide.
Senegal: 5-Year Ban For Football Star El Hadj Diouf
Bilal comments upon [fr] an article published on, tackling the 5-year ban from international football slapped by the Senegalese Football Federation on one of the best players in the...
Senegal: Environmentally-Conscious Protesters blog hails the civic spirit [fr] of the 23 June Movement protesters (M23) in Dakar : “Under a scorching heat,the place de l'Obélisque demonstrators drank heaps of water as...
Africa : Delicious Peanut
Nadia Khouri-Dagher writes a post on [fr] where she praises the peanut, a condiment that has been integrated in most African cuisines: “Senegalese Chicken Mafé, Malian Peanuts Tiguadegue sauce,...
Sierra Leone : Agrofuels versus Food Security
Michelle Nougoum, in a post published on on [fr] points out another case of land leasing in Africa for the purpose of agrofuels in Sierra Leone : “[The Swiss...
Lebanon: Abolition of Reduced Sentences for Honor Crimes
Lebanese Tweeps and bloggers are congratulating themselves for the abolition of reduced sentence on crimes of honor on August 4th, 2011. Roy Tohme, tweets: ” Finally, we're catching up with...
Egypt: Scenes from Monday's Crackdown on Tahrir Square
The Muslim holy month Ramadan didn't begin well for Egyptians on Tahrir square in Cairo protesting for the numerous still unmet demands of the revolution. On Monday, 1 August 2011, the army evacuated them with an iron fist, leaving many injured and more than one hundred detained.