Latest posts by Tarek Amr from April, 2012
Bahrain: One-Woman Demo!
We have become accustomed to seeing million-man protests in Arab countries, but how about a one-woman protest?
Egypt: Should the Grand Mufti Have Gone to Jerusalem?
On April 18 Ali Gomaa, the Egyptian grand mufti and one of the highest religious authorities in the Islamic world, visited Jerusalem for the first time. The visit is controversial since it is seen by many as a step towards normalised relations with Israel.
Arab World: Technology in the Time of Revolution
The Arab uprisings have created a debate about the role played by social media and mobile technology in bringing change. Whatever conclusion you come to on that subject, activists certainly make use of a wide range of new technologies, and Tarek Amr takes a look at some of them in this post.
Egypt: The Drama of the Presidential Race
It's hard to predict the results of the presidential elections in Egypt, due to the dramatic events taking place every day. This post tries to shed light on the political situation, and the status of the major candidates so far.
Egypt: Your ID, Your Rights Targets Women
As many as 4 million Egyptian woman don't have ID cards, and as such cannot benefit from legal, social and economic services and rights. "Your ID, Your Rights" is a campaign which aims to cover 2 million women, providing them with ID cards, as well as create awareness online about the situation of such women and the importance of gender equality.