Latest posts by Tarek Amr from April, 2008
Egypt: The New Governorates
Sandmonkey, from Egypt, wrote here about the presidential decree to create two new governorates, 6th of October and Helwan.
Egypt: When Religion Sleeps With Politics
Egyptian blogger Zeinobia attacks Pope Shenouda III in this post for his recent Easter speech in which she claims he said people using Facebook will "roast in hell," reports Gr33nData from Cairo.
Egypt: Disappearing People
Michaelitoo compiles a post about Egyptians who have gone missing, for their religious and political beliefs, in this article Tarek Amr translates from Arabic.
Egypt: Residential Independence
OTV is a private Egyptian satellite TV channel which has attracted the attention of its viewers from the day it was launched, thanks to its liberal approach, the issues it tackles and the way it tackles them, which is different from conservative and traditional TV channels. Tarek Amr writes about how the channel covered the issue of unmarried girls living on their own and how a blogger reacted to it.
Egypt: Wet Bathroom Floors
Kim, an Indian living in Egypt, notices a lot of similarities between the Indian and Egyptian ways of life. She writes: “A couple of my friends Americans/Europeans who have married...
Egypt: April 6th Updates, Kefaya Leader Arrested
George Ishaq, Kefaya leader, was arrested after police raided and searched his home. Read about it and other coverage, photos, videos, and updates of Mahalla news at Egypt the Reality...