Suzanne Lehn · March, 2011

Latest posts by Suzanne Lehn from March, 2011

Côte d'Ivoire: After Failed Mediation, Is the Worst Yet to Come?

  22 March 2011

The meeting of five African Union (AU) heads of states about Côte d'Ivoire's state of electoral deadlock made it briefly possible to believe for a short while that a détente in the country's political crisis was within reach. Alas, this mediation, called by many the "last resort meeting", seems to have failed, after incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo's representatives rejected the panel's conclusions.

Mali : Internet and African languages

  19 March 2011

For the International Mother Language Day [Fr], Boukary Konaté [Fr], a French language Global Voices contributor, held a conference on “Internet and African languages”. The presentation [Fr] is on the...

Lebanon: Web Documentary About Young Lebanese Artists

  2 March 2011

The Libalel Project [fr] highlights the diversity of contemporary Lebanese art through web documentary. Their blog publishes analyses, biographies, interviews, videos and photos: “The Lebanese scene is a true laboratory...