Latest posts by Silvia Viñas from March, 2010
Chile: New Government Makes Strong Presence on Twitter
Chilean President Sebastián Piñera and his Cabinet are all on Twitter, which captured the attention of Chilean users of social media, but some are skeptical and cautious about how effective the communication will be.
Chile: President Piñera's Unsold Shares in LAN Airlines
Chilean president Sebastián Piñera made a campaign promise to sell all of his shares in LAN Airlines by the time he took office on March 11, 2010, something he has yet to fulfill.
Chile: Mapuche Communities Affected by Earthquake
After the February 27 earthquake in Chile, the media and the government have faced strong criticism for their lack of coverage and support for the small Mapuche indigenous communities closest to the epicenter. Mapuche leaders have called out for international aid.
Uruguay: José Mujica Sworn in as President
Under high expectations and continuing the left-leaning rule by the coalition party Frente Amplio (Broad Front), José Mujica was sworn in on March 1st as the new president of Uruguay.
Chile: Political Points Amidst the Earthquake
Among the ongoing reports of casualties and damage caused by the earthquake that struck Chile, political observers and bloggers have commented on the implications the quake will have on Chilean politics, especially since Chile is in the midst of a presidential transition.
Chile: Praise for Earthquake Preparedness
Chile was struck by a devastating earthquake this weekend. Despite the damage and the rising number of casualties, the international community has praised Chile's preparedness for this situation.