Shabina S. Khatri is an American journalist freelancing in Doha, Qatar. While in the Gulf, she has reported on Doha’s struggle to transform from a tiny desert peninsula that imports everything (including people – expats comprise more than 80% of the population) into the region’s premier cultural, political and economic hub. You can follow her on Twitter @dohanews and
Latest posts by Shabina Khatri
Qatar: Down with Mubarak, residents say
Down with Mubarak. That is the popular sentiment in the tiny Gulf Arab country of Qatar, whose residents have been furiously filling the Internet with support for Egyptian protesters, criticisms of Mubarak and statements of pride for Doha-based Al Jazeera for its no-holds-barred reporting of the week's events.
Qatar: Thousands of ticket-holders turned away from Asian Cup final
Qatar hits a snag with Asian Cup final, as thousands of ticket-holders are banned at the gate for security reasons. Irate, disappointed and heartbroken fans fill the Internet with their stories. Shabina Khatri reports on some of them.
Qatar: Jeers, Cheers as Country is Awarded 2022 World Cup
Qatar celebrates after FIFA awards the country World Cup 2022 bid - Internet responds with cheers and jeers for the tiny desert country's win over the US, Australia, South Korea and Japan. And Arab netizens join the celebration in a series of congratulatory tweets.
Qatar: Excitement, Apprehension Build as World Cup Decision Nears
As the buzz builds over who will be awarded the 2022 World Cup bid in two weeks, so does the Internet chatter. Here is a roundup of online reactions in Qatar and elsewhere to the most recent developments in the competition to host FIFA's biggest sporting event.
Qatar: Residents survive change to eight-digit phone numbers
In an effort to meet future demand, Qatar changes most mobile and landline numbers from seven to eight digits. Residents complain, but find the transition to be easier than expected.
Qatar: NYT's article draws fire from locals and residents alike
Shabina Khatri reports on rising tensions between locals and expats as Doha residents extol, protest New York Times depiction of Qataris as coddled, self-indulgent creatures, hated by the foreigners who live amongst them.
Qatar: Expats outraged by plans to scrap visa-on-arrival policy
Effective May 1, Qatar plans to scrap its visa-on-arrival policy for dozens of nations currently exercising the option. Dismayed expats worry about seeing their families and predict that the additional paperwork will deter tourists from visiting the tiny Gulf country.
Qatar: Artist MF Husain trades Indian passport for Qatari one
Reactions on the Internet ranged from shock, dismay and delight as MF Husain, one of India's most celebrated and reviled artists, is offered Qatari citizenship - and accepts.
Qatar: Did Doha finally get a Wal Mart?
Breaking news out of Qatar - Doha finally gets a Wal Mart! Hopes soared and then crashed in Doha on Monday as news that a Walmart has opened here spread throughout the Tweetosphere.
Qatar: Critiques bristle; calls to shut down popular online forum
A series of scathing posts on Qatar Living, an popular online forum, prompts locals to call for site's demise. Campaign not against all expats, says founder of anti-QL Facebook group.
Qatar: Cartoon of maid abusing child raises ire
A cartoon published in a local paper in Qatar depicting a crazed maid abusing a child has raised the ire of Doha bloggers, many of whom are condemning the possible satire for being racist and in poor taste. Shabina S. Khatri has more on the debate.
Qatar: No one is above the law – really?
Doha bloggers bemused, incredulous and wistful by official remarks that no one in Qatar is above the law. A debate over the merits of that statement quickly evolves into a discussion on press freedom, as more clamor for a new law press law, free from any imprisonment penalties against journalists.
Qatar: Anticipation mounts over England vs Brazil football friendly
All eyes are on conservative Qatar, which is bidding for the 2022 World Cup, to see how it handles the upcoming England vs. Brazil football friendly, with residents alternately excited and anxious about the influx of potentially rowdy football fans.
Qatar: Country's woes not expat labor's fault
Comments ranged from scornful to incredulous upon the release of a government study blaming underskilled expat laborers for Qatar's falling productivity rate. Shabina Khatri taps into the discussion and brings us the latest buzz.
Qatar reflects on spirit, practice of Ramadan
Residents of Doha, Qatar acclimate to Ramadan and the special perks and restrictions that come with it.
Qatar: Media Freedom Centre Head Resignation Mourned and Celebrated
After a tumultuous eight months as director-general of the nascent Doha Centre for Media Freedom, Robert Ménard announces his resignation. The centre, which will also lose three department heads, will continue to operate. Bloggers from Qatar weigh in. Doha bloggers, many of whom have been closely watching the DCMF's movements for signs that the region is finally moving toward media freedom, are expressing mixed emotions about this outcome - some, utterly delighted, while others, completely dismayed.