Latest posts by Scilla Alecci from July, 2009
Japan: Parental child abduction
Given the rise in cases where children born to a Japanese mother and a foreign father are abducted by the Japanese mothers and brought to Japan without the father's consent, the U.S., France, Canada and the U.K. have recently urged Japan to sign the Hague Convention.
Japan: Election manifesto
Paolo Soldano at Japanblues sums up (it) the main points of the election campaigns of LDP and DPJ.
Japan: Internet users in the world
A post [ja] at ideaxidea shows graphs [en] describing the percentage of the world's internet users in 2008.
Japan: Cat mania
The spreading of communities of people with same interests and hobbies is not new in the internet society. Netizens often exchange news, suggestions and picture on things and activities they...
Japan: Tokyo prefectural election results
Adamu at Mutantfrog liveblogged [en] the election results for Adachi Ward (Tokyo).
Japan: Beng Mealea Temple and Miyazaki's Laputa
Karapaia shares some pictures of the ruins of Beng Mealea Temple, Cambodia, which, the blogger says, inspired the architecture of the floating island in the anime Laputa: Castle in the...
Japan: Amano elected as IAEA chief, some doubts
Lawyer and blogger raymiyatake expresses his doubts [ja] over the election of Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). First, he says, Amano was...
Japan: Eight endangered languages in the Japanese archipelago
In February UNESCO presented the Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger, giving an accurate and worrying description of the languages considered endangered (about 2,500). Among these eight belong to...
Japan: Gundam 30th anniversary
This year is Mobile Suit Gundam‘s 30th birthday. While a giant statue of the robot stands in Odaiba's park (in the Tokyo bay area), in a theatre of northern Tokyo,...