sami ben gharbia · January, 2008

Latest posts by sami ben gharbia from January, 2008

Blog for a Cause!: The Global Voices Guide of Blog Advocacy

  30 January 2008

Blog for a Cause!: The Global Voices Guide of Blog Advocacy explains how activists can use blogs as part of campaigns against injustice around the world. Blogging can help activists in several ways. It is a quick and inexpensive way to create a presence on the Internet, to disseminate information about a cause, and to organize actions to lobby decision-makers.

Yemen blocks independent news websites

  25 January 2008

Numerous Yemeni websites have been blocked recently by government-controlled ISPs. Among them is the popular YemenPortal, Yemen’s first multi-source news crawler and search engine, which extracts headlines from news sites that are being blocked by the authorities. YemenPortal is inviting Yemeni internet users to access the website through a mirror they build at

sami ben gharbia's space

I'm the co-founder of several Tunisian online projects:

Nawaat (The Core)

Ben Ali Yezzi Fock
Ben Ali Yezzi Fock !

Tunisian Prison Map
Tunisian Prison Map
