Latest posts by Salam Adil from March, 2006
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
This week bloggers in Iraq are saying the same thing in different ways – the security situation is becoming unbearable. Also, in my bag today, a winning blogger gets another...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
This week is a week of rememberance. It is the third anniversary of the start of the Iraq war and the Iraq bloggers are commenting on the hopes at the...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
Today's report is dedicated to the women of Iraq. Women have suffered greatly in the new Iraq and on top of everything have to cope with the prejudice of some...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
These days in Iraq, death is never far away. In this weeks posts several bloggers deal with the different aspects of death. The death of someone close, death of a...
Iraq: Remember Atwar Bahjat
Zeyad asks for a campaign to remember murdered journalist Atwar Bahjat. He repeats a suggestion made by Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy: Al-Arabiya, entrepreneurs in the Arab world and journalism schools...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
Given the recent events in Iraq, it may come as some surprise to find the variety of subjects in Iraqi blogs this week. There is sadness and tears and humour...