Latest posts by Roba Al Assi from November, 2005
From the Jordanian Blogosphere
Jordan: A New Government in the Making The newly appointed Prime Minster has been announced, being Marouf Bakhit. Naseem Tarawneh thinks that this might help the path to reform. Khalaf...
From the Jordanian Blogosphere
“Candle Light Vigil in Amman” by Isam Bayazidi Amongst anger, grief, the detaining of the female accomplice, demonstrations all around the world, new claims released by Al-Qaeda, the week after...
Jordanian Bloggers React to Amman Bombings
Child carrying sign that says “No to Terrorism, down with terrorism and Zarqawi” by Lina Ejeilat from the Amman Demonstrations Flickr Set. The Jordanian community is in a state of...
Explosions Rock Jordanian Capital, Amman
Three explosions hit Jordanian capital Amman Wednesday night; one in Radisson SAS, the second in Hyatt Amman, and the third in Days Inn. For more on the explosions occuring in...
From the Jordanian Blogosphere
Jordanian Bedouin posing in one of Jordan's vast deserts by Laith Majali With the occasion of Eid, a holiday celebrated bi-annually by over a billion Muslims, the Jordanian Blogosphere wishes...