Latest posts by Rezwan from June, 2011
Bangladesh: Exploring The Architecture Of Mud Houses
Jennifer Grosso, an architect student, explored a village near the famous Sundarban mangrove forest to learn about the Bangladeshi mud built homestead. Here is what she found out.
India: Innocents Being Killed By BSF
Anshul Tewari at Youth Ki Awaaz highlights some examples which shows that innocents are being killed at will by Indian Border Security Force. The blogger opines that the Ministry of...
India: Shooting The Messenger?
The Prime Minister Of India Manmohan Singh has commented on the Indian media “the role of the media in many cases has become that of the accuser, the prosecutor and...
Bhutan: Are Reality Shows Real?
Sogyel Tobgyel wonders whether reality shows in Bhutanese media are real.
India: Unique ID System To Verify Twitter And Facebook Accounts
Anupam Saxena at Media Nama informs that Aadhar, the Unique ID Authority of India will keep API calls to its databases free and it can be used to verify online...
India: Mumbai In Monochrome
Harini Calamur at POV provides us the opportunity to see glimpses of Mumbai city in monochrome.
Sri Lanka: China Investing In Land is concerned that Chinese investors are being allowed to reclaim and own 500 acres of Sri Lankan land from sea paying $700 million to the Sri Lankan government.
Sri Lanka: Candle Light Vigil For Tamil War Victims
D.B.S. Jeyaraj writes about a candle light vigil at the Marina beach in the Indian city of Chennai on June 26th to commemorate the Sri Lankan Tamil war victims.
India: Predicting Indo-Pak Talks
JayBlogs posts a hilarious take on what actually happens at Indo-Pak talks.
Bhutan: Charity Ride Of A Motorcycle Club
iamDrukpa writes chronicles about the 11th charity ride of the Bhutan Dragon Motorcycle Club.
India: Feed A Kid Every Saturday
Debolina Raja Gupta shares her experience of creating a Facebook group called Feed A Kid Every Saturday which encourages citizens of Mumbai to feed poor and hungry children.
Nepal: High Hopes For Youth Based Movement
Blogdai has high hopes for Nepal Unite, a recent youth based initiative which started online. According to the blogger it will help the average Nepali Citizen get involved in the...
Sri Lanka: The Lankanosphere And The Killing Field Video
London, Lanka & Drums compiles a round of reactions from the Sri Lankan blogosphere about the controversial documentary of Channel Four titled ‘The Killing Fields Of Sri Lanka’.
Bhutan: Citizenship For Fatherless Children
Sonam Ongmo at Dragon Tales argues that the citizenship of Bhutanese children should come automatically by virtue of the fact that one parent is a citizen. Presently for the citizenship...
India: Policy On Maritime Security
Nitin Pai at The Acorn explains why India needs a policy on overseas military deployments and maritime security.
Sri Lanka: Groundviews Briefly Blocked
Yesterday Groundviews, Vikalpa and even Transparency International’s sites were apparently blocked on Sri Lanka Telecom ADSL broadband Internet connections for a few hours. An update on the Groundviews site confirms...
Sri Lanka: The Effectiveness Of Fertilizer Subsidy
Serendipity questions the effectiveness Sri Lankan Government's subsidy program worth 500 million Sri Lankan Rupees for importing fertilizers.
Bangladesh: A Blog On River Pollution
River Pollution In Bangladesh blog chronicles pollution in different rivers of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh: Welcoming Argentina & Nigeria
Faisal Tanim informs that soccer fans are delighted to learn that full strength Argentinian and Nigerian soccer teams are coming to Bangladesh for friendly matches.
India: Failure Of Democracy
Atanu Dey thinks that democracy is failing in India and things must change. The blogger comments: “the change has to come from a section of the population that has the...
India: The Monsoon Legend Of Kerala
Why there is so much rain in the Indian state of Kerala? Maddy describes a legend behind it.