Latest posts by Renata Avila from May, 2008
Guatemala: Animal Del Monte Festival in Xela
Quetzaltenango or "Xela" was the site of an international poetry festival called Animal del Monte, which brought 40 poets from around Latin America. A big part of the festival was reaching out to surrounding communities by holding readings to local residents. The festival also highlighted the work of Guatemalan poets, who demonstrated that many fine works come from that country.
Notes From Berkman@10 Conference
At the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, attendees and special guests discussed “The Future of the Internet,” and its political dimensions and its affect on the global community. In addition, during the opening remarks there was an announcement that the Berkman Center will become a university-wide research center. GV author Renata Avila is attending the celebration and provides these notes.
Guatemala: Remembering Bishop Gerardi and His Report “Never Again!”
Ten years ago, Bishop Juan Gerardi released a report called “Guatemala, Never Again!,” which contained powerful testimonies of those forever affected by the armed conflict in Guatemala. The report provided graphic details and specific names of those who committed these crimes, and as a result, ultimately cost Bishop Gerardi his life. He was killed approximately 50 hours after the release of the report. A decade later, Guatemalan bloggers remember the man who brought much of what was happening in the war into the public consciousness.