Latest posts by Renata Avila from June, 2007
Guatemala: An Open Internet – Anyone Can Blog
In the early 90s, the press was controlled, and only the privileged had access to the new internet phenomenon. Once the telecommunications industry was privatized, many more had access to the world wide web, and as a result many more people had the opportunity to blog. Political parties, watchdog groups, and even a member of an elite army unit now had the power to say what they wanted.
More on iSummit Dubrovnik 2007
Global Voices author Renata Avila adds another timely update to proceedings at the iCommons Summit in Croatia. There is commentary from non-English speaking sources, which has helped close the information gap for those whose first language is not English.
Dear GV, From the iSummit
Global Voices author Renata Avila sends this blog postcard from the iSummit in Croatia, which brings together a global community "working together to build a community of freedom - to create, to use, to share."