Latest posts by Rawan Gharib
How ‘African’ is Northern Africa?
"Why are Africans from north of the Sahara sometimes not considered definitively 'African'?"
Salt Water Challenge, Skipping Meals and #DignityStrike: Palestinians Show Solidarity With Prisoners’ Hunger Strike
Prisoners are demanding an end to solitary confinement, arrest and detention without trial known as administrative arrest, and medical negligence, as well as the improvement of conditions within the prison.
Sleeping or Dead – Part 6: Do Not Forget Them
"There are others who haven’t had the chance to bring their stories to an end, but are at this moment still stuck in them. Do not forget them."
Sleeping or Dead – Part 3: Thought is the Crime
"Even if they don’t torture you, the mere act of waiting does. Have they forgotten us? Are we going to stay in here forever? Why haven’t they called us today?"
Latin America and the Middle East Take One Step Closer to Each Other on the Dance Floor
"Just like we always dreamed, music will bring people together and give us a chance at world peace."
Despite Tradition and Convention, Salsa Keeps Egyptians on the Dance Floor
Believe it or not, but Latin America and Egypt have more in common than ancient civilizations and pyramid-building.